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Madison's POV
I am headed to my 5th period and I feel myself get pulled into a closet.

I karate chop whoever grabbed me and I hear a familiar voice 'Ow'

I giggled and turn around, looking up at Grayson.

"Hi." He said looking down at me.

"Hi." I replied

He brings his hands up by my face and kisses me.

I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

After we break the kiss he rubs the small of my back slowly.

"I will see you tonight around midnight okay." He said and I nodded

"I'll leave around 4" he says and I nod again.

"And we are gonna have fun. Okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay I'll see you later." He said rubbing his hands up and down my sides as he stares down at me.

The bell rings and we glance up to the ceiling where the speaker was.

He pulls me back to him and kisses me again.

I pull away before it got to where I couldn't and kiss his cheek.

I walk out first, heading to class late.

I walk in, sitting next to Daniel.

"Hey." He said quietly once the teacher started talking again.

"Whatsup?" I ask

"I need to talk to you after school." He said

"Alright." I replied nodding.

I go out to the front of the school and look for Daniel.

I feel someone grab my hand and pull on me and I look back and see Daniel.

"Oh hey." I said and he drags me near the side of the school.

"Ummm whatsup?" I asked him and he lets go of my hand and grabs my face and kisses me.

I stand there, not really knowing what to do.

I slowly start to kiss him back, regretting it as it happens.

He slides his hands to my hips and pulls me closer.

It feels so.... wrong. I don't even like him kissing me..

He pulls away.

"I like you." He said and I look up at him with wide eyes and run away from him.

"Wait! Madison wait!" He yells and I keep running.

I run into Someone and look up, seeing Grayson and my eyes widen.

"Madison are you okay?" He asks

"YEAH." I yell at him and run off again.

I get about halfway home and slow down, walking the rest of the way.


I get home and am still breathing heavily from the running I don't normally do.

I go inside, seeing my brothers car outside. I see him inside on the couch.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a water. Drinking some.

"You good Mads?" Ryan asks.

"Fine." I replied walking upstairs.

I get to my bed and flip down, groaning.  There goes my friendship with Daniel.

Daniel and I have been friends since 6th Grade. I guess you could say he is my guy best friend.

And he has been in and out of many relationships.  I never expected him to like ME.

I lay there for a while, hating myself for just running away from him like that instead of telling him straight up that I didn't feel the same.

He kissed me. 
Who just up and kisses someone?!?

Oh my god and I just ran away.  That must have hurt him so bad.

I grab my phone and go to his iMessage.

Me: Daniel....... I'm so sorry

Me:  I just wasn't expecting it okay.. I'll talk to you tomorrow in person about it but Im really sorry.


I sigh.
I think for a while about what I did and what I could do to make it up to him but I am scared. I don't want to lose him... but I don't think it would be the same.

I hang out in my room the rest of the day, regretting a lot of what happened today.

Around midnight, I hear light tapping on my window.

I look over and see Grayson through my curtains that were slightly open.

I get up and open them more and then pull up the window, letting him in.

I walk over and lock my bedroom door as he came in.

"Hey." He said and I smile at him, trying to push my clouding thoughts out of my mind.

"Hi." I said hugging him and leaning up and kissing him.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now