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Madison's POV

I follow Grayson and he leads me to his back yard, with a newly set up canopy type of thing now with a cute outdoor couch like bed.

He doesn't let me get a good look though, him moving in front of the main view.

"Whats all this?" I asked him.

"I did quite a bit for you, wanting your 17th to be special and everything.." He trails off, blushing as he holds my hands now, his cheeks growing red as he does so.

I smile, my heart basically leaping out of my chest at his words.

Awweeeeee he's so sweet.

"And I got you a present." He said with a small smile.

"What is it?" I asked quickly, getting excited.

"Well its a few things." He started.

"Close your eyes" He said and I do so, covering my closed eyes with my hands.

He walks me forwards until I am sitting on a rather comfortable thing.

"Don't open them yet!" He exclaims and I giggle, keeping them closed like he wanted.

I hear shuffling and then a small click.

"Ok. Open them" He said and I do so, looking around at what we were standing outside of before.

Little lights hung up all around it and me sitting on a red outdoor couch bed thing.

Flowers sat next to me along with three boxes, two of which were wrapped horribly while the third was wrapped perfect.

"For me?" I asked and he nods smiling a little.

"Grayyyyysonnnnn you didn't have to get me anything. This is a lot already." I said looking up at him as I hold his hands.

"But I love you and wanted you to be happy." He said.

"I would have been happy with a card" I said smiling.

"Yeah but your happy as fuck right now and I wouldn't have gotten the same reaction if I had just got you a card." He said smiling.

"Yeah I'm happy because your here and I'm here and its impressive how far you went with this" I said.

"And I really love you Gray.." I said and he smiles and sits next to me before pulling me into his lap.

"Madison, I love you, a lot more than you probably think, and loving you is the best feeling in the world, and the fact that you make me feel like you love me back, the same way, just makes me want to do more for you..." He trails off, caressing my cheek.

"And do my best not to fuck up and lose you" He said leaning his forehead against mine.

"And do everything in my power to make you smile and laugh..." He said

"Because when your happy, I am happy.  Its hard not to be when I see the beautiful smile on your face and hear your contagious bubbly laugh.  I would spend every last penny to see you happy" He said, making my heart flutter as he presses a small, gentle kiss against my lips afterwards.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now