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Madison's POV
I wake up on time this morning, still pretty grumpy about waking up.

I get ready,  doing everything a little quicker seeing as I just wasn't really feeling today.

I finish like 10 minutes early and go downstairs I see my brother.

"Ready for school?" He asked, swinging his keys.

"Yep." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Alright come on." He said

"No.  I have a ride" I said

"With who?" He asked, getting more pissed.

I turn around, smirking.

"With Gray." I said before I got a text from Grayson, saying he was here. 
I walk out and go to his car, getting into the front seat.

I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"You came." I said smiling

"I told you I would." He replied, smiling a little.

"I know.. I just thought you would flake." He said

"No Mads.  I told you I would and I did." He said, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it as he drove us to school.
We pull up and he parks the car.

He looks over at me and I look up and his hand comes up to under my chin and he presses his lips to mine.

"I'm opening your door." He said  before getting out.

I sit there and he opens the door for me and I step out.

I grab my backpack and he grabs his, both of us slinging them over our shoulder.

He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walk towards the school.
"They are staring." I mumble as we walk into the school.  Their eyes on us.
"They are about to be shook as fuck." He whispers back as we get to my locker.

I glanced around, everyone's attention on us.

One of his hands come up to my face as his other helps him to lean me against the lockers.

He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We pull away and I smile up at him, biting my bottom lip as I do.

He steps back and I turn towards my locker and put in the combination and opened it.

I take my backpack off and put the unneeded books in and keep in the ones I'll need. 

I shut my locker, zipping my bag back up and swinging it back onto my back.

Grayson grabs my hand and we start to walk to class, people's eyes still on us.

"Grayson." I whine quietly, not liking so much attention

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now