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Madison's POV
A week later

I don't fucking understand.

I'm so moody.. And keep craving peanut butter. 


I grab my computer and search 'I have unusual cravings and my mood keeps swinging'. to see if that will give me any idea of whats wrong with me.

I don't click anything and just skim through what popped up.

My eyes land on the word 'Pregnancy' and shoot wide open.

Oh fuck. Oh no. No. no no no no..

"RYAN" I yell, standing up.

I throw my shoes on and grab my phone.

"Take me to the store please" I said as he came into my room.

"Ok.. .Why?" He asked.

"I just need to grab a few things" I said and he nods

I grab my money and shove it into my pocket.

We walk to the car and he drives me to the store.

I walk in once we get there and buy a pregnancy test along with a pox of pads so he doesn't get suspicious.

I buy it, going through self checkout and grabbed a candy bar from right next to the machine and buy it as well.

I then go back out to the car where Ryan was waiting.

He drives us home cluelessly.

Once we get home I rush up to my room and set the bag down.

I grab the pregnancy tests and go to the bathroom, locking all the doors.

I tear the box open and pull out one of the tests.

I pee on it and impatiently wait once I finished.

I clean myself up and wash my hands.

I stay in the bathroom, watching the time on my phone.

I wait a good 5 extra minutes just to be sure before looking at it.

"Oh my god." I mumbled.

I feel myself starting to cry.

"Oh fuck." I said running my hands through my hair as I began to panic.

I'm fucking pregnant.

I'm pregnant.

I am pregnant.

I hear knocking on the bathroom door.

"You okay in there?" I hear my brother ask and I stiffen up.

"Yeah. I'm okay. " I said.

"Just hit my elbow." I said and I hear his laugh.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now