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Madison's POV

I wake up and groan, no where near ready to be awake

I quickly realize I am in Grayson's room and last night's events flash back into my head.

Holy fuck.

I feel his hand on the back of my thigh while the other is under my head.

I'm cuddled into his chest and god is he warm.

He is awake though

I know because his hand is rubbing my thigh.

"Gray" I mumble, kissing his chest gently.

"Good morning baby" He said, his hand coming up to the back of my head and entangling itself into my hair.

He kisses my forehead gently.

"Good morning." I replied.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"I'm starving" I replied smiling a little.

"Okay come on." He said standing up slowly.

I start to stand up and I feel a pain between my legs.

Gosh a lot happened last night.

"I can't" I said, realizing how I really, cannot walk right.

He looks over at me and then smirks, walking over.

"Damn Mads... My bad" He said wrapping his arms around me.

His hands go down to my ass and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I hate how much I love the fact that you did this" I said and he chuckles.

"I love that I had this effect on you" He said leaning in and kissing me softly. 

I smile against his lips before pulling away.

"Can you bring me breakfast?" I asked him. 

"Of course" He replied, pecking my nose making me giggle

I get comfortable in bed again.

"God your adorable" He said and hopped ontop of me, his legs successfully landing on either side of me and he leans down and kisses all over my face as I am just giggling.

He pulls back, smiling at me.

"Your literally like a cute lil puppy that I just want to kiss all the time" He said.

"A puppy?" I asked.

"Yeah but I'm not allergic to you like most other puppers" He said making me giggle.

"Aweeee poor baby." I said pouting a little at the fact he is allergic to dogs.

"Yeah I know. It sucks but you can kiss me now" He said making me chuckle as he puckered his lips.

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