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Madison's POV
"What did he mean Mads?" Ryan asks with a sigh

"Nothing." I say annoyed.

"Do you or do you not have hickeys all over your chest?" He asked me

"I don't." I lied

"Then why did he say that?" He asked me

"Because he's trying to get under your skin." I replied

"He wouldn't just make up something like that Madison." He said

"It's whatever. It doesn't matter Ryan." I said

"It does matter who the fuck was sucking on your chest Madison?" He asked me

"I'm not telling you.  You'll kill someone." I said

"Yes I will." He agrees.

"Ryan I'm almost 17.  Most girls my age are dating and kissing and being with the guy she likes but every time a guy even breathes on me, you kick their ass." I say angrily.

"Yes because no guy I have seen is respectful enough, nor good enough for you." He replied.

"It shouldn't matter if he's good enough for me in YOUR opinion it's MY opinion. It's MY life.  Now get off my ass and go fuck Nessa some more." I said

"Are you seriously still pissed about that?" He asked me

"Yes Ryan I am. She was my best friend and you decided to stick your dick inside of her behind my back." I said

"Oh so you would have rather watched?!?" He yells lightly.

"NO I WOULD RATHER YOU HAVE NEVER DONE IT." I yelled at him, hitting him in his chest.

"You fucked up my friendship and I'm pissed about it. " I said pushing him on his chest,

"Ok well I like her. What's the fucking deal? Shouldn't you be happy for me like a normal sister?" He asked

"No. I am not.  You won't let me date.  Why should you just get to date and fuck my friends?" I asked him.

"Well when you like someone that kind of shit happens." He replied.

"Get the fuck out already you don't even let me like people." I said
"Well when you do I obviously won't be able to fucking stop you." He replied

"Just stay out of my life I don't want you and your stupid friends butting in and messing shit up like y'all have been." I said and push him and he finally storms out angrily.

I shut my door and lock it, angry at my brother.

I grab my phone and call Grayson.


I hang up and call him again.

"What?" I hear his deep, annoyed voice ask.

"Are you upset still..?" I ask quietly

He sighs.

"Yes.. I am still upset." He replies more calm.

"I'm sorry." I say, keeping my voice small.

"I don't like other people kissing you" he said.

"We aren't even together you can't get mad." I said

"It doesn't matter. It still makes me  mad.  I told you. I like you." He said

"I know.." I said quieter, feeling bad.

"And I want to be with you." He said

"But we can't." I replied.

"Exactly.  So we would be if we could be. Meaning you can't just use that as an excuse." He says with a sigh.

"I'm sorry." I apologize again.

"Okay. Are you okay..?" He asked me.

"I'm okay.. just sad.." I said with a sigh.

"Me too." He replied

"I don't want That guy kissing you." He said

"It won't happen again. I didn't even know he was gonna do that.  I literally ran away after he did." I tell him, earning a small chuckle from him.

"Now I don't think that was the proper way to handle the situation. But still." He said

"Yeah .. I was just scared.." I replied

"We aren't even friends now which sucks." I said sighing.

"Good I don't like him." He said and I let out a light, dry laugh because I didn't expect him to.

"Do you still like me?" I asked him.

"Mads it was just a disagreement. That doesn't change anything about how I feel for you." He said making me smile a little.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay." He replied

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now