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Madison's POV

"I surprised you?" I asked him.

"Yeah.. you didn't look like the type of girl to want sexual anything... or anything to do with me for that matter. I mean I always found you cute and was always attracted to you and your attitude. I just didn't think something like this would happen." He said

"What about my attitude?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"I love it. It's like your bossy. You don't take the bullshit. You mostly know what you want, but at the same time can be indecisive. You are super smart, even though you obviously don't do most of your school work. But your still super fricken intelligent and that's sexy as hell. When you get all angry your super adorable, and your confidence! I love how confident you are in the things you say and do, even if you know your wrong you won't back down until the other person does. But mostly you can hold your own. You don't let people run over you and really it's just super attractive." He said making me smile at how he describes me.

"So basically I'm a bitch.?" I asked smiling a little and he chuckles.

"Not what I was saying at all." He said smiling.

"I know I'm just messing with you." I said as he slides his hands up the back of my shirt.... well his shirt.

"You know you surprised me too." I said as he pulls me a little closer.

"I did?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Mhmmm. You never really messed with me. Ethan was always all up on me and throwing sexual remarks at me but you were just a kinda Shy and kept quiet.. I mean your obviously attractive but I figured for a while you were just like your brother once you get to know you so I didn't really like you either. But then you were actually really nice and sweet and cute. Espescially whenever you deny that your shy because you are Gray and it's so flipping cute, I just wanna kiss you all the time. Whenever you do something sweet like when you brought me the flower. Or just when you actually compliment me it's always unexpected because well I am not used to a guy treating me that way.. I obviously can't date any guy because of my brother and what I have done with guys he doesn't know about obviously.. so no guy has ever said or done just about any of the things you do and it just makes me feel all warm inside and smiley.. You can be super indecisive.. but your pretty go with the flow, which I like. And I just feel like I trust you a lot..." I trail off, him blushing making me smile at his cuteness again.

"But I'm not THAT shy." He says and I roll my eyes smiling.

"Gray your shy." I said and he huffs.

"Your right." He trails off making me smile and kiss his cheek.

"But I definitely did not expect me to be laying here with you, nearly half naked, ever." I said and he shook his head no.

"But.. I kinda like it... a lot." I said leaning my forehead against his.

"Me too." He said rubbing his hands up and down my bare back beneath the shirt.

I lean in and press my lips back against his, kissing him.

It was just a short, soft kiss.

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