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Madison's POV

"Are you ready?" Grayson asked me and I nodded.

"Nothing fancy right?" I asked, wanting to be sure.

"Nothing fancy.. I didn't think to make any reservations anywhere, in time sadly, BUT. I have somewhere good as hell in mind" He said smiling.

I nod and we get in his car.

We start driving, and end up driving for quite a while.

Once we stop at a burger joint..

He looks over at me.

"You like burgers and fries right?"He asked and I smile and nod

"And milkshakes" He asked and I chuckle, getting out.

He gets out also and grabs my hand.

He opens the door for me and a bell rings at the top.

I walk in, him coming in right after me.

We sit down and a waitress comes up.

"Hello, do y'all know what y'all would like to drink??" She asked, handing us menus.

Grayson looks up at me.

"Lemonade" We both say and look up at her.

"For both of you?" She asked to clarify.

"Yes" Grayson replied.

"We have pink lemonade and regular lemonade" She says.

"Pink" We both clarified also.

"Alright I'll be back with your drinks" She said, walking off.

I look at the menu, deciding on the simplest little meal.

I look around at the place, seeing our waitress talking to her co-worker.

Minutes later her co-worker waitress comes back with a big fake smile on her face, carrying our drinks.

"Hi, I'm Jessie, your new waitress, it was actually Leslie's break time so I am taking over" She said and I raise an eyebrow.

She hands Grayson his drink and slams mine down on the table, making my eyes widen.

"Have you decided what you would like to eat?" She asked.

Grayson looks up from his menu, to me.

"Have you?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah" I responded.

"Ok. Go ahead" He says.

I tell her what I want, it being a hamburger with no onions and no mayonnaise with extra pickles, which came with fries.

She writes it down quickly before turning to Grayson.

He orders his food and she writes it down also. 

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