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Last chapter - sorry it sucks :/
Madison's POV

The boys finally got my bed down here and I have been successfully transfered to it.

God damn that hurt like hell

"Gray.." I trail off, trailing my fingers up and down his chest softly.

I look up at him.

"Yes baby?" He asked me

"Do you still love me?" I asked him.

"Yes Mads I still love you" he said with a light smile.

"But. The baby's gone and it's all my fault" I said closing my eyes

"Madison you couldn't have know that was going to happen. At least Daniel knows he is going to get his ass beat." He said with a slight temper.

"Gray. Baby." I said looking up at him and his jaw in clenched.

"Fuck it. I'll see you later baby I have shit to do" he said getting up.

He kisses my forehead and I look at him hopelessly.

"Gray please dont" I said and he walks out the front door.

I hear footsteps coming downstairs and then see Ethan and Ryan both looking rather confused.

"Where'd Grayson go?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know he said he had shit to do. Probably involving Daniel." I said sighing and running a hand through my hair.

"That bitch. I wanted to be the one to kill him" Ryan said walking towards the door.

"Stay with her" he orders Ethan and he nods.

Ryan walks out and Ethan sits on the couch next to my bed.

We both watch Friends for about an hour before I start to grow worried..
They can't kill him.
They can go to jail for that. They will get in so much trouble.

"Ethan they can't hurt him" I said shaking my head.

"Madison he deserves it he shouldn't have touched you" Ethan replied.

"But they will go to jail!" I exclaimed .

"I do not think they will actually kill him" he said looking over at me.

"No they both sound so so serious about it Ethan you have to call them and stop the-" I am cut off with the front door opening and Grayson and Ryan walking in together.

"Did you kill him? Please tell me you didn't really kill him!" I exclaimed

"Babe we didn't kill anyone" Grayson says crawling into the bed next to me.

"What did yall do?! Did you beat him up or something. I really shouldn't have let you go you can get in so much trou-" he cuts me off

"Baby. You want to know what we did?" He asked me.

"Yes please" I said looking up at him

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now