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Madison's POV
Gray has been over just about every night hanging out with me til around 3am secretly.

No we haven't had sex again or anything just kisses and cuddles and talking, which I really enjoy.

There are still hickeys on my chest, that Gray may or may not have added too, but when I wear a normal tee shirt you can't see them.

I grab some different clothes, grabbing a hoodie and a pair of comfy shorts.

I strip down and change into my shorts, but when I'm getting ready to pull my hoodie on my bedroom door opens, Ethan stepping in but then his eyes meet my chest and widen.

He steps out and closes the door quickly.

"MADISON." He exclaims through the door and I quickly pull my hoodie on, panicking.

I open my door and yank him in.

"WHY CANT YOU FUCKING KNOCK?!" I whisper yell.

"Were those Hickeys?!!?" He whisper yelled as well, his eyes still wide.

"Noooooooooo" I drag out.

"Madison. I saw them." He said.

"Who was it?" He asked

"Me." I replied

"You gave yourself hickeys all over your chest?" He asked me crossing his arms.

"Mhmm . Yep." I replied nodding, crossing my arms as well.

"Well then I guess you won't mind Ryan knowing." He replied with his stupid smirk.

"Oh so your gonna let him know how you just walk into my room without knocking when I'm changing?" I asked

"I don't think he will be focusing on that." He said starting to walk out and I get more panicky.

"Wait" I said and he steps back in.

He looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

"It was... Daniel" I said

"Daniel?" He asked me

"Yep." I replied
Daniel likes me. He wouldn't deny it.

"When did Daniel do this?" He asked me.

"When we were making out after school when Ryan left me." I said

He did kiss me two days ago.

"Oh really now?" He asked

"Yeah." I replied

"You were making out with Daniel.?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Why you jealous?" I asked

"Yes actually." He replied

"Too bad." I replied shrugging

I start to walk away but he grabs me and kisses me.

My eyes go wide as his lips move against mine.

I start pushing on his chest and shoving him and then the door opens and he's pulled off me.

I wipe my lips and glare up at Ethan.

"Don't fucking put your nasty ass lips anywhere near my lips. You are A dick. You treat me like shit. And I fucking hate it so stop with your stupid sexual remarks and your stupid sexual actions and just leave me alone I don't like you Ethan." I said angrily.

"Okay I don't give a fuck you can be a bitch. Don't tell me your dirty little secrets about Daniel making out with you and giving your boobs hickeys if your gonna be a bitch because you can't expect me to keep my mouth shut." He said while Grayson look overly pissed holding him back.

Grayson makes eye contact with me and looks confused and a little hurt.

"You can call me a bitch all you want it doesn't effect me Dolan. I'm sick of your shit and I'm sick of you." I said

"What's going on in here?" Ryan asks, walking in.

"Your stupid slutty sister has hickeys all over her chest from some dude." Ethan said and Ryan looks confused and then pissed.

"Don't call my sister a stupid slut she's smarter than any chick you've been with. And she's not a slut. All the sluts of the school are already fucking you." Ryan said getting defensive.

Ethan looks even more pissed.

"Fuck this" he said walking out.

The door slams downstairs and then he speeds off. Grayson runs to the window and looks out,

"There goes my ride." He said with a sigh.

"I'll drive you home man." Ryan says and he nods.

"Can I um.. talk to Madison alone? I should apologize for him because he obviously isn't going to." Grayson said

"Yeah I'll wait in the car.." he said

"And you. I'll deal with you when I get back." He said pointing at me and I nodded.

He walks out of my room and Grayson shuts the door.

"Why the hell were you making out with Daniel?" He asked me sounding hurt.

"Well I wasn't he just came onto me and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there" I tell him.

"Okay did he leave hickeys on you too?" Grayson asked angrily, throwing his arms up slightly.

"No no no. I just said that because Ethan saw the ones from well.. you... and I couldn't just tell him that." I said

"Yeah. Sure.." he said scoffing.

"Gray.." I said quietly, getting sad.

"Madison I didn't kiss anyone. No one but you. But you went off and made out with Daniel... And now Ethan." He said

"Ok but neither of which were my fault." I said

"Madison I don't like that. I am not just good with that." He said

"Well I didn't mean for it to happen." I said

He sighs.

"I have to go. Your brother's waiting for me." He said shaking his head

I step forwards to hug him and he looks down at me and I stop and he turns around and walks out.

I can't help but feel sad when he shuts the door. 


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