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Madison's POV

I wake up.

Wow. I didn't think I would fall asleep too.

I look down and Graysons face is buried into my chest and he is literally on top of me.

His body is between my legs while his head rests against my boobs, small snores slipping from his lips here and there.

His arms are wrapped under mine and are just resting on the bed.

I hear the door creak open a little and look up to see Mrs. Dolan.

"Is he asleep still?" She asked quietly and I nodded.

She walks in quietly and sets down a baggy of cough drops.

She walks out and shuts the door quietly behind her.

I grab my phone and unlock it,.

I scroll through instagram after seeing nothing important in my notifications and after a little while of scrolling through memes and liking and stuff, I go to cancel out my recents and notice my camera had been opened before Instagram...


I click on it curiously because I never use my actual camera and only ever use snapchat nowadays.

I go to my camera roll and see pictures of Grayson and I sleeping.


Who took these?

I go through them confused but I have to admit, we look adorable

I set one of them as my lockscreen and then turn off my phone.

I run my hands through Grayson's hair gently.

After a good thirty minutes..ish.

Grayson starts waking up.

I know this because he wraps his arms around me and kisses my chest softly.

"Gray" I say quietly and he hums.

"Your mom got your cough drops" I said and he nods.

"Good." He replied.

He looks up at me and then buries his face back into my chest.

"Your so comfortable" He says.

"I am?" I asked.

"Yeahhh.. Nice and soft" He replied.

"And a little squishy" He said, poking my boob making me smack his hand away.

"Shut upppp" I said and he giggles a little.

He sits up a little looks at me.

"Did you take a nap too?" He asked me.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now