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Madison's POV

It was late around 3:30 am and I really just couldn't think. 

My mind was focused on the baby growing inside of me and different ways Ryan might react to it.

I get up out of bed and slip on my shoes, deciding to go on a walk around the block or something.

I quietly leave the house, starting the walk around the familiar neighborhood.

I see someone else walking which sort of creeped me out because who the fuck just walks around at nearly 4 am? 

As I got closer to the person I recognized him, seeing it was Daniel.

"You. You bitch." He said slightly slurring.

"I hatef you." He said pointing to me as he was super close, the alcohol on his breath making me cringe.

"Daniel why are you drinking?" I asked him worriedly.

"Don't question me bitch." He said pushing me backwards.

"I lofe you. I lofed anyways not no more cause you broke my heart. You wanfed The twin boy guy and puffed me away." He slurred looking so sad and angry.

"Daniel calm down. Please." I said.

"Lofe me back then. Right NOW." He yells slightly and I shush him.

"Do you want me to lie or something?" I asked and he pushed me onto the ground.

"I don't even know why I ever woulf lofe you. youra whore and a bitch and an ashhole and I hate you" He said and start kicking my side.

I curled up slightly and he began kicking me in the stomach.

"Stop. Stop DANIEL I AM PREGNANT." I yelled and he comes to a hault.

He stares at me on the ground, becoming more furious as his eyes traveled down to my stomach.

"Your lying." He said clenching his fists and his jaw.

"No. No please. Daniel please. I am pregnant. I have a baby inside of me." I said as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes but I was trying my hardest to hold it together in hopes he would stop. 

"You lying ass bitch. YOU can't have a baby.You can't." He said kicking me in the stomach again.

I try to catch my breath in between blows, at the same time trying to get away from him.

He slowed down and I started to push myself up, tears pouring from my eyes but he quickly jumped ontop of me, pinning me down.

One of his knees digs into my lower stomach harshly and my head hit back against the concrete, making a loud yelp come out of my mouth.

He throws his hand over my mouth hard, making it hurt

"How could you do this to me?!" He said as he looked like he was going to cry, meanwhile I was like, bawling and sobbing, my loud yelps and whimpers being muffled by his hand tight on my mouth as he knees me in the stomach harshly here and there.

"We were best friends. I felf for ou. And I lofed you. And you bwoke me. Broke my. Heart. I did eferthing you astedd Eferything Madison" He said 

"God I hate you so much." He said pulling his hand off of my mouth allowing my sobs to escape.

"Please. STOP." I said through sobs and he slaps me across the face.

"I want you." He said.

"I hate that I wan you. YOU don't lofe me back and you broke my heart but I still FUCKING WANT YOU." He yelled slightly as he kisses me, the taste of alcohol entering my mouth.

I push on him harshly and he stumbles off of me and I try to get up again but I am dizzy now.

He looks down at me as I whimper in pain as I moved a little too quickly, trying my hardest to get up off the ground.

"You pafthetic. You stupid slut. You got preggnanf and its all your fault and now your gonna be lifing on the streets becaus no one wil lofe you and you will remember me, Anf wish you had my lofe." He slurs angrily before kicking me a few more times.

He stomps away, leaving me on the ground.

I turn my head, watching him walk away through my slightly blurred vision.

My head pounds as the scenery around me spins slightly and my eyes fall closed.

Well guys. That happened.... 

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