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Totally forgot to update the double update last night sooooo I'll do it tonight :))
Madison's POV
I wake up and groan, angry at my alarm for working.

I turn it off and look at the time.
This sucks. School sucks.
I hear a knock from the bathroom door coming into my room.
"You up Mads?" I hear Ryan ask.

"Mhmmm" I replied
"Get ready, I'm leaving in 20." He said
"We usually leave in 45" I whined.
"I have to be there early today." He replied and I groaned, really not feeling well.

"Fuck it I'll walk." I said, us living relatively close to the school.

"Okay, you do you." He replied shrugging and leaving my room through the bathroom again, to finish getting ready.

I close my eyes for a few more minutes and then hear my alarm going off.
I check it and see it's 6:30.
I push myself out of bed and then groan, feeling entirely too sick to function.

I have a pounding headache, my stomach hurts like hell, and I feel nauseous.
I walk out of my room, hoping Ryan was still here.
When I look out the window in the livingroom, his car was gone, but a familiar one was pulling into the driveway.

I see Grayson walking up to the door, but no Ethan.
I furrow my eyebrows and hear the doorbell ring.

I walk over hesitantly and answer it, opening the door.

I look up at Grayson confused.
"Uhmm.. I um.. Ryan said you might need a ride..." he trails off but then his eyes scan down my body, furrowing in confusion.
"Unless you are not going...?" He says, questioning it confused.

"I'm not, I'm sick." I replied clearing my throats a little as my voice was getting choppy.

"Oh. Do you uh. Need anything..?" He asks me.

I look around, still confused.
"Why??.. is this some typa prank or some shit because if so I just told you I am sick Grayson and I do not feel like putting up with you, Ethan and Ryan's shit." I said sighing and running my hand through my hair.

"No .. I just wanted to know if I could uh maybe help or something.. I don't know. I'll go. Hope you feel better." He said putting his head down and backing up out of the door way, starting to turn around.

I really do not understand this now.

But I feel bad for being bitchy to him because he isn't really to me.

"Wait." I said and he stops walking back to his car.

"I could use some company... if you want to watch a few movies and eat soup with me." I offered, knowing it doesn't actually sound that appealing.

He turns around with a small smile.

"I mean... if you insist." He said, blushing a little again.

I open the door more, letting him in.
"But your making the soup." I said and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Okay. I'm an amazing cook." He said walking to the kitchen with me.

I watch as he goes to the pantry and grabs two cans of chicken noodle soup.

"Wooooowwww Grayson. Because you totally made that." I said with a small smile and he smiled brightly at me.

"I can make it amazing hold on." He said and began to cook it.

Once he finished he Hands me my bowl and a spoon.

I take a bite and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Wowwwww Grayson." I said again with a smile.

"What?" He asked smiling as well.

"You made your average chicken noodle soup." I said.

"No I didn't it's special." He replied
"How so?" I asked

"Because it's made with lots of Love." He said with a cheesy fake smile as he makes a heart with his hands.

I giggle a little and hit him gently with my spoon in the arm.

"Are um.. we still gonna watch some movies?" He asked

"Mhmm. Come on." I replied motioning him to follow me.

He grabs his soup and follows me upstairs and to my room.

I set my bowl on the nightstand before crawling in bed, under my blankets. I turn on my TV and put Netflix on.

He is looking around my room, slowly eating his soup.

"You gonna stand there or come watch movies with me?" I asked him, opening the other side of the covers so he could crawl in too.

He walks over and sits down, kicking his shoes off before getting under the covers, careful not to spill his soup.

"What are we watching?" He asked.
"High School Musical" I replied smirking as I put it on.

I hear his spoon clink against the bowl and glance over to see him looking at me with his whiney face.

"Don't be a baby. They are good movies." I said smiling and putting it on, grabbing my soup.

Holy. Fucking. SHIT. Guys.  My older sister and I went to a Sleeping With Sirens concert tonight.  (Idek if y'all know who they are or listen to them but I sort of do.  I switch up between a lot of music genres)The bands The White Noise and Chase Atlantic And Palaye Royale were like the bands that were opening for them right.  Well I met and took pictures with just about everyone and I didn't get like the meet and greet ticket or anything,  I obviously didn't get pics with SWS bc they are a bigger, more known, band.  BUT GUYS.  IT WAS LITERALLY THE MORE FUCKING AMAZING AND FUN NIGHT I WAS LIKE DEAD I SWEAR.  I actually held KELLIN QUINNS FUCKING HAND.  And everyone was soooo fricken sweet it was insane.  And like it was just sooo fucking sick to be there and see them and everything like It still hasn't hit me it's crazy. 

Btw guys.  THEIR FUCKING VOICES ARE SO ANGELIC IRL.  Well .. not Shawn's voice.  I mean it is but he does a lot of screaming.  😂

Sorry guys I'm just super flipping happy rn.

Also.  My birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks :))))))

Also also.  Enjoy your double update I owe u. 💜😁

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