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Madison's POV

Grayson crying as well. He shakes his head.

We finish the movie soon and I look over at Grayson and he looks over at me, both of us have tear stained cheeks.

His loud but adorable laugh fills my ears, making me start to laugh a little too seeing both of our very vulnerable states.

I look away, smiling as his laugh dies down, changing into a small giggle at the end.

I look back over and then reach into the bag to get more candy, I accidentally reach too far down in the bag and my eyes widen for a second.

I grab a random piece of candy as I blushed and looked away, pulling it out.

I touched his dick.

I fucking touched. His dick. Through his pants obviously but still!

He clears his throat.

"So um. What movie now?" He asked me.

"Sing" I replied looking for it.

"That's that newer movie with the animals right?" He asked and I nodded.

I stop looking for it, remembering the party.

"Why didn't you want me to go to the party?" I asked him looking over and he looks down to his lap.

"Because.. I don't want Ethan to do what he said he would." He said

"What did he say he would do?" I asked curiously.

"You really don't want to know." He said quietly.

"Okay.. well thank you." I said quietly also.

"For what?" He asked and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"For keeping me from going to the party." I said obviously.

"Right.... it's cool." He said shrugging.

I nod and continue to look through the family movies for Sing.

I find it and put that movie on, us watching through it, laughing easily seeing as we are both pretty easy to make laugh.

He makes me pause it.

"I need to use the bathroom." He said starting to get out from under the covers and to get up but he kinda takes the blanket with him and trips and falls on the ground.

He groans and I stand up on the bed and walk towards the edge and look down at him, trying to hold in my laugh.

He tries to get untangled from the blanket and sheet and pulls it, pulling it out from under me making me fall off the bed ontop of him, me yelping in the process.

I catch myself, my arms on either side of his head.

I glare at him for making me fall.

"Not.. cool Grayson." I said quietly seeing as we were so close and he was staring at me with wide eyes.

His eyes stare into mine and I get distracted, staring into his, not realizing I am still ontop of him.

His eyes flicker down to my lips and I look down to his.

He licks his lips a little, and we both lean in slowly, getting way too caught up in the moment.

I part my lips slightly as his connect with mine, pressing a kiss to my lips.

He slowly moved his lips against mine his hand comes up to my cheek as he deepens the kiss.

My heart races and my stomach explodes with butterflies, all of my previous thoughts gone as the only thing I could think about was him.

I slowly pull away and open my eyes, our eyes meeting.

My eyes widen and his did immediately after mine.

I push myself off of him and turn around not facing him, my eyes wide thinking about the fact that I just kissed Grayson Dolan.

Oh fuck.
I reach up slowly, touching my lips, thinking about the way his lips felt against mine.

I liked it....
I take a small glance back at Grayson to see him looking rather shocked.

He walks past me, going to the bathroom.

Fuck fuck fuck.
I kissed Grayson. Oh fuck he's gonna tell Ryan. He is gonna tell Ethan. He hates me now..

Why did I kiss him?!?!!!!

I feel myself getting panicky and I run my hands through my hair, trying to calm myself down.

I'm so fucking stupid.
I like Grayson.

I like Grayson Dolan.
One of my brothers best friends.

I like Him.
And I kissed him.

I hear him come out.

I look over.

"Grayson I am so so sorry I didn't plan on that happening I don't kno-" he cuts me off.
"It's okay." He said, his eyes looking down at mine.

"Besides it most definitely was not all you." He said with a small smile.

"Yes it was I leaned down and kissed you." I said blushing a lot.

"Yes well I leaned up and kissed you back." He replied raising his eyebrows.

"Touchè" I replied smirking and then letting out a small laugh.

He smiles at me.

"Your not gonna like.. tell anyone right.?" I asked him looking up.

"Know one needs to know anything It's my buisness not theirs" he replied with a small shrug.

"Okay." I replied nodding.

"We gonna finish Sing?" He asked me, cocking his head to the side.

"You still want to?" I asked, smiling big.

"Of course. We can't just start a movie and not finish it." He said as if I was crazy for asking, making me giggle and get back in bed.

He gets in next to me and we sort out the blanket, covering us back up.

I play the movie and I hesitantly lay my head on his chest, hoping he wouldn't push me off or something.

He wraps his arm around me, resting his hand on my waist.

I smile a little and continue watching the movie.

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