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Madison's POV
"Can we go to Jacob's Party tonight?" Grayson asks me.

"You wanna?" I asked him

"Kinda" he replied

"Yes Gray we can go" I replied and he smiles a little.

"You don't have to ask me to go to a party." I said.

"I know but I wanted you to come too." He says playing with my hands, intertwining our fingers.

We've never actually held hands before.

I smile, looking at our hands together, wishing we could just walk around, in public holding hands and being all cute and coupley.

"I'll come." I replied, looking up at him.

"Okay." He said smiling.

He checks the time.

"I have to go home before your brother gets here. I'll see you at the party." He said with a sigh and I nodded.

I kiss his lips and then sit up.

He gets up and gets dressed, me watching him with a small smile.

He pulls his shirt on and then looks over at me.

He smiles and comes over to the side of my bed and then leans down, kissing me again.

"Bye beautiful" He said, pushing some hair out of my face.

I giggle a little, smiling at him.

He walks out and I hear him driving away minutes later.

I smile, thinking about how cute he is.

I finish getting ready and grab my phone.

I walk downstairs and see Ryan about to leave.

"Ready?" He asked

"Yeppp" I replied and we walk out.

He drives us to the party, having to park a good distance away due to all the others.

We get out and walk to the house, walking in.

"Don't get drunk I can't drive" I said

"If all else fails, you have the twins." He says and I roll my eyes.

We walk in, the music blaring and the stench of alcohol overwhelming.

I make my way through, finding something to drink.

I go through a few drinks, not getting drunk but just a little buzzed I guess.

I hear a fight going on and walk towards the noises.

"Oh yeah. WELL I FUCKED YOUR SISTER." I hear a familiar voice slur out angrily.

"YOU WHAT?!?" I hear my brothers even more angry voice.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now