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Madison's POV

Ryan and I are okay now. He still gets a little salty with Grayson here and there but other than a little tension, they are good again as well.

I however, am on my period right now and feel so.... Emotional.

Which is sadly normal for me when I'm on my period.

I didn't start it when I thought I was about to, but just yesterday.

I get up today for the first time, it being a Saturday.

I walk downstairs to see both Dolans on the couch, as well as my brother as they were playing some stupid video game.

Oh and guess who else is here? Yeah. Vanessa.

I walk into the kitchen and pour me some chocolate milk.

Someone walks in and so I look up, just to see Vanessa.

She rolls her eyes at me and goes to the refrigerator.

"Um. Excuse me. This is not your refrigerator to raid. Nothing inside is yours. So if you would like something from it, I advise you put something in it or stop being a bitch to one of the owners of the refrigerator" I said, closing it in front of her.

"Can you fucking chill?" She asked me.

"Why? You walked your ass in here with attitude, rolling your eyes when you knew I was fucking in here because you saw me walk in" I said

"Your just pissy because your still not over the fact that I chose your brother over you" She said

"No. I'm fucking pissy because the person I once thought of as my bestfriend, started lying to my face and fucking my brother." I said

"Babbyyy" I hear from behind me as arms wrap around me.

I calm down a little bit due to Grayson's presence.

"Yeah and you didn't see me calling trying to get you back as my 'Bestfriend' now did you? Did you ever think that maybe I never fucking liked your ugly ass?" She asked oUCH.

"The thought crossed my mind. But then I realized. HA. I don't actually give a shit about you anymore so even if it was real or not, we aren't friends now. So its not like it matters now does it?" I asked, keeping my voice strong and I feel Grayson pulling me away gently so I turn around and walk away with him, walking past Ryan who was standing at the door.

He looked hopeless almost.

I walk back up to my room, Grayson behind me as I feel the tears finally coming to my eyes seeing as I couldn't show them before.

I crawl into my bed and close my eyes as my tears fell.

She never actually gave a fuck about me.

"Mads" Gray's voice softly says as he sat on my bed behind me.

"I don't want to talk about it" I said, my voice shakey and quiet but I know he heard me.

"Come here" He says, after kicking off his shoes and getting under my blanket as well.

I turn around and cuddle into him, crying as quietly as possible as he wraps his arms around me.

"Madison. Shes just trying to hurt you" He said.

"Yeah and its working" I said with a small sob.

"Baby. She's lying. Your gorgeous. and there is no way a person can fake being your friend and not fall in love with you... Or atleast learn to love you in her case because your just perfect and loveable and a little feisty and so so adorable" He said, running his fingers through my hair.

"And she knows that. She knows your prettier than her. She knows you are loved. And she is probably jealous" He said.

"She's not though" I said

"Madison I love you" He said, tilting my head up to look at him as he wipes some tears away.

"I love you too but thats not the point" I said and he shakes his head smiling a little.

"I love you" He said, emphasizing I.

My heart flutters.

"She doesn't matter anymore" He said.

"I personally do not care about her. I care about you. And the fact she is hurting you so bad, only makes me care less about her." He said

"I love you" I said with a sigh as my tears had stopped flowing.

He smiles a little and wipes the remaining tears.

He kisses my forehead gently and I smile a little.

"Now then you got to chill with all this savagery babe, Its overwhelming" He said making me giggle.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now