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Grayson's POV

Madison went home a little while ago and I can't stop thinking about the fact that she had a picture of Ethan on her phone and he was Shirtless and everything.

And then shes gonna try and act like she didn't know why she had it and how it got there.

Like what the fuck. 

I go to Ethan's room and see him on his bed.

"Hey bro" He said scrolling on his phone.

"Hey. Do you know if Madison ever had a thing for you like.. A year ago?" I asked him.

"Um.. No. I mean we were sort of friends ish. But then apparently I started being all dick-y to her and she stopped being chill with me." He said.

"Why?" He asked and I sighed.

"We got into an argument." I replied.

"About me?" He asked.

"No.. Well kind of. You see I was looking through her pictures. And I come across a picture of you shirtless from about a year ago." I said.

"Me?" He asked sitting up, growing confused and I nodded.

"What picture was it?" He asked me.

"It looked like something from your instagram" I replied.

I pull out my phone and start looking through his photos until I found the exact photo it was and showed him.

His face fell.

"And you got mad at her for it?" He asked me.

"Well obviously.. We got into an argument about it" I said and he sighs, rubbing his face.

"Gray she took that photo for me." He said.

"What?" I asked, growing guilty.

"Yeah. We were at her house and I needed something to post and we were relatively cool back then so I asked her to take it because she's good with angles and stuff and she agreed and took it perfectly on the first try." He said.

"Oh no." I said sighing, burying my face in my hands.

"She said she didn't remember how it got in her camera roll and I thought she was just trying to hide the fact she liked you" I said.

"Bro she made it pretty clear she doesn't like me." He said.

"I know. I'm just fucking stupid" I said sighing and standing up

I grab my phone and walk out, I make my way to my room and slip on my shoes and grab my keys. 

I sneak out the front door and to my car, not feeling like explaining this to my mom.

I drive to Madison's and go knock on the front door, it opening after a few minutes and Ryan coming into my view. 

"Can I talk to Madison?" I asked with a sigh, running my hands through my hair.

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