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Madison's POV

"I can go now right?" I asked the doctor once she was done running tests on me.

"Ma'am do you really think you are stable enough to go home?" She asked.

"I think I am just fine" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay well I wrote you a prescription for pain medication, take them as needed but do not take more than 2 within three hours" she said as she skimmed through the paper work.

"You older brother I am guessing will sign you out.?" She asked looking to him and he nodded and she hands him some papers

I look over at him and he starts filling out the papers.

"When we get home, we are going to lay down and watch some movies together.."Grayson says from next to me and I nodded.

Once the doctor leaves and Ryan had finished signing the papers, we all began getting up to leave.

I groan out in pain as I moved. It literally feels like my insides are all bruised.

"Fuck." I groaned out clutching my stomach.

"You okay baby?" Gray asked, his hand going to my back

I let out a breath and nodded.

"I just.  I can't move quickly. My ribs" I said and Grayson's mouth forms an 'O'.

"We can get you a wheel chair.." Gray said I nodded.

"Please" I said and he looks up to Ryan.

"I got it" he said walking out, coming back in a minute or so later with a nurse and a wheelchair.

Grayson helps me into it as well as the nurse, even though I didn't need that much help, I just was in pain.

Once I was seated again I let out a breath of relief.

The nurse wheeled me out and to Ryan's car.

"I'll meet you at your house okay baby?" Gray asked me as I was sat down.

"Okay. See you there" I said and he pecks my cheek gently.

"Drive safe man"  he said pointing across the car to Ryan and Ryan nods.

We drive home, Grayson following behind us..

Once we get home, they both help me out and walk me inside, sitting me on the couch.

I breath out in relief again, pain still shooting through me.

"I need to get out if this thing. I need something comfortable" I said as Ryan walked to the kitchen.

"RYAN STAY OUT I'M STRIPPING" I yelled and I hear an Okay.
"Help me" I said to Grayson and he helps me out of the stupid hospital gown I was stuck in because I didn't have clothes at the hospital.

He tosses it on the ground and pulls off his shirt, putting it over my head.

I pull my arms through, the pain nearly unbearable as I moved my arms so much.

I relax laying down on the couch and Grayson sits next to me.

"I am going to kill him for doing this to you" he said caressing my cheek softly.

I lean my face more into his hand and he smiles softly as he looks at m.

"Gray don't worry about him today" I said and he sighs

"Okay" he said giving up easily

"ARE YOU COVERED?!" I hear Ryan yell.

"Yeah" I replied and he walks out of the kitchen

"Okay so I was thinking. You won't be able to get to your room and back easily obviously so I think that I am going to bring your bed down here." He said

"That would actually be great" I said and he nods

"I'll call Ethan to help then.. seeing as Grayson probably wants to hang with you." He said and we both nodded and he called Ethan.

After a little while Ethan gets here

"I know I came to help but I actually need to talk to Madison for a minute if this okay..?" Ethan trailed off and Grayson looks at hs brother suspiciously and Ryan walks upstairs.

"Go ahead I'll be fine" I said with a shrug and Grayson walks upstairs as well

Ethan walks over, sitting next to me.

"Madison I know that you are pregnant. And that you love Grayson, but I do have feelings for you Mads. I know you aren't returning the feelings and you probably never will, but I just really do like you a lot.  Which sucks for me but I will get over it because I want you to be happy.. I shouldn't be so fucking selfish with you.  I shouldn't try to change your mind because I know your going to choose Gray. He's the better choice anyways.  I probably won't even be a good dad so it wouldn't matter. Just know I'm not mad anymore.. I just- oh no no no. Stop crying please what did I say? What is it?" He starts freaking out about me crying.

"Do you not know why your here?" I asked him through tears

"To um.. help Ryan move your bed or something...?" He trailed off.

"Yeah.. to in here.. because I um got in some trouble last night I guess you could say.. and well I lost the baby." I said, feriously wiping my tears but eventually gave up as more came.

I let out a sob and Ethan jaw drops slightly before wrapping his arms around me.

"What happened?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Madison please" he said with a sigh.

"I ran into Daniel and he was drunk.. and angry.. and started kicking me and stuff and gave me a concussion and stuff.. and broke my ribs and stuff.. stuff meaning.. The baby died.." I trailed off wiping my eyes again.

"Madison I'm so sorry" he said and I shook my head.

He backs away from me.

"Well um.. my statement stands.. I guess just without the baby.. I just thought I should tell you how I feel and not be a douche to you for once" he said and I nodded.

"Thank you Ethan" I said and he nodded.

He kisses my cheek softly before going upstairs to help Ryan and Grayson comes back down.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah everythings Okay." I replied with a nod.

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