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Madison's POV
I wake up with Grayson's arm under my head and his other arm wrapped around my waist as I was cuddled into his chest.

So I like Grayson.
What do I do if I like Grayson?

Should I tell him?
NO Dumbass.

I wish he wasn't Ryan's stupid best friend.
I mean he's not a stupid best friend. I just wish I could date him and kiss him and cuddle him all the time.

It kinda makes me sad to think about it because I have watched girls reject him and end up fucking his brother. He always is the one getting hurt. Ethan goes through girls like I go through hair ties.

And It seems like no matter how hard Grayson tries with a girl, they don't want him oddly. But he's so sweet to them.

Ethan just uses them.
I find myself staring at Grayson as he slept.

His beautiful eyes closed. His pink lips gently parted as small snores leave his lips here and there, nothing too loud or annoying.

He moves a little and I scoot up slightly but he wraps his arms back around me, laying his head on my chest.

I relax and get myself situated.

I bring my hand up hesitantly and gently run my hands through his soft hair.

I continue, combing my fingers through his hair slowly and he hugs me a little tighter to him.
I smiled a little and slowly stopped.

He lifts his head and looks up at me.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked with a small, barely noticeable pout.

His voice raspy and deep. Very sexy.

I let out a small laugh and push some hair out of his face.

He looks up at me with a small smile.

"Can I do something?" He asked me quietly and I shrugged a little, not sure what he was going to do.

He leans up and kisses me again. My heart beating like crazy as my body heats up.

I kiss him back, combing my fingers through the back of his hair gently as I deepen the kiss.

His lips move in sync with mine for a minute before he pulls away.

He smiles a little, blushing.

He cuddles back up to me and I wrap my arms around him.

I play with his hair gently us just cuddling for a while.

Does he like me too?
Is that why he just kissed me?

God I really liked that.

Grayson's POV
Holy fucking shit she's so perfect.

Imma be honest here, I've always liked Madison. It always pissed me off the way Ethan treats her. 

He wanted her to go to the party so he could get her drunk and fuck her,
Which I obviously was not going to let happen.

I'd never let something like that happen to her.

I've never technically been aloud to like her... Ryan always said she was off limits, which I understand because she's too precious to just let anyone have.

Too perfect for everyone. But lately, spending all this time with her is just making it so much harder to not like her.

She's so beautiful and adorable and confident and it's just... amazing.
She is amazing.

I wish I could be with her.
When we kiss it's like the world stops.. and nothing matters but us.

And I like it. A lot.

She plays with my hair, combing her fingers through it and tugging here and there and I try to ignore my hormones and just closed my eyes, enjoying her presence.

"Gray." She says quietly, her saying my name making my heart beat speed up.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"I need to pee." She said and I pouted a little but get off of her, letting her up, her warmth leaving me.

She gets up and stretches, letting out a yawn before walking to the bathroom.

I am getting so hot and uncomfortable in this shirt.

I pull it off, cuddling into her pillows and blankets.

She comes back a few minutes later and crawls back into bed, under the blanket.

She quickly notices I took my shirt off and her eyes trailed down my torso before laying back down and cuddling into me.

I wrap my arms around her and press a small kiss to her temple.
She smiles and lays her head on my chest, her hand resting on my chest too.

She traces shapes into my skin gently and I try to mentally guess them.

She draws a square, and a few squigglies, and some circles.
She rests her hand on the left side of my chest and holds it there.

"Your heart is beating so fast." She says and blush a little.

"Yeahh... it does that sometimes... crazy little thing." I said awkwardly, not wanting to tell her it's because of her.

She giggles a little making me smile.

She cuddles more into me and I tangle my fingers into her hair, playing with it gently like she did to me.  It felt good for me it should feel good for her too.

I feel her smile against my chest.
I swear to god she is the cutest thing in the world.

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