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Madison's POV

I hear arguing downstairs and I feel bad for causing that argument between my brother and Vanessa but at the same time don't care what happens with their relationship... on her end anyways

Grayson is laying with me, us just listening to music and talking when I hear a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked and it cracks open, Ethan coming into my view.

"Can I come in here with y'all... Its really awkward down there" He says shyly, looking at his feet.

I feel bad for not thinking about him down there with them.

"Sure" I say with a small smile.

I mean. He's Grayson's brother. I need to atleast try to make amends with him

He comes in, shutting the door behind him.

He flops down in my spinney chair and spins slowly as we go back to listening to music.

The arguing seems to be getting louder and we all glance between eachother with a slightly worried expression, knowing both Vanessa and Ryan have quite a temper.

I hear some breakage and we all jump up and rush downstairs.

Vanessa is yelling at Ryan and he has red marks on his arms and a handprint on his cheek.

"FUCKING FIGHT BACK" She yelled at him.

"FUCK NO YOU THINK IM GONNA GO TO JAIL FOR "ASSAULTING" YOU. FUCK NO" He yelled back, using air quotes  and she glares at him.

"This is your fucking fault." She points to me.

"All because he fucking loves his 'Precious baby sister' WELL SHES NOT FUCKING PRECIOUS.  Shes a fucking whore and-" Ryan cuts her off.

"You've probably been with more guys than she's even glanced at! You don't come over and start talking shit about my sister I don't care who the fuck you are. I don't care what the fuck you think you know.  Just leave Vanessa. Don't come back." He said, opening the front door.

"Fine I'll leave. Don't come crawling back because I won't date your stupid ass again" She said

"Good Bye Vanessa" I said, pushing her out and shutting the door and locking it, I let out a sigh of relief.

"About time you took the trash out Mads" Ethan said and I start laughing

Never thought I'd laugh at one of Ethan's jokes.

"That was a good one bro" Gray fist bumps Ethan.

I look over at Ryan as he began walking away.

My smile fades.

"Ryan" I said and he keeps walking, heading upstairs.

"Ryan.." I said again.

"I just need alone time okay?" He said, a little snappy before he went to his room

I look down.

"I'm gonna head home then" Ethan said, pointing to the door.

"You staying?" He asked Gray

Gray looks to me and I put on my puppy dog eyes

He giggles a little.

"Yeah... I'm staying" He tells his brother and Ethan nods, unlocking the door and walking out.

Gray and I walk back up to my room and I lay down again.

"Why are you just laying down?" He asked me.

"You've been laying all day" He said

"Well I hurt" I said pouting.

"You hurt?" He asked, pouting as well.

"Yeahh" I replied.

"Where?" He asked.

"My tummy is cramping. I have a headache, my vagina hurts, and my boobs hurt" I said and his eyes scan my body.

"Thats a lot of pain" He said and I nodded.

"Why do your boobs hurt?" He asked me.

"Its all because of my period" I responded with a sigh.

He wraps his arms around me.

"Maybe if we cuddle it will make you feel better" He said and I giggled.

He turns off the loud music in my room and I cuddle into him.

He pulls back and looks down to my chest.

"Yo boobies. Y'all gotta stop hurting because I really like touching you and I can't hurt Mads more by touching y'all if y'all are hurting her." He said rubbing my boobs making me giggle a little.

He kisses my cheek and cuddles his face into the crook of my neck.

I close my eyes as we cuddled.

"Baby" He says quietly.

"Hmmm?" I hummed.

"Are you for real with me?" He asked quietly still.

"What do you mean? Of course I am." I replied.

"And there is no way you would dump me for Ethan?" He asked me and I pull back and look at him.

"Your kidding right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bab-" I cut him off by sitting up.

"Grayson. I wouldn't fuck with you like that. I wouldn't lead you on, and I definitely would not tell you I loved you if I didn't love you. I wouldn't be laying here with you right now if I was planning on dumping you for Ethan.  I wouldn't have stayed with you after everything that happened with Ryan if I was planning that.  I wouldn't have done the majority of the thing I did with you." I said.

"Madison. We are young.-" I cut him off.

"Don't give me that bullshit Grayson. I don't care how young we are. I don't care if people think we are stupid and too young to be in love.-" He cuts me off.

"BABY." He says loudly and I shut up.

"I don't care either." He said and kisses me.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now