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Madison's POV

I wake up and feel arms wrapped around me and steady, soft breathing on my neck.

I smile a little but then feel the need to stretch.

I yawn, stretching out my arms and legs before curling back up a little bit.

I hear a 'Mmmmm'

I feel soft kisses on my neck, making me smile again.

"Hey" He whispers into my ear, he rubs his hand up my side beneath my shirt.

"Hi." I replied, quieter.

I turn around and he props his head up on his arm, looking down at me.

He puts his hand on my side again, his fingers lightly tracing shapes into my skin.

My skin gets all hot and tingly where his fingers are.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

He grabs his phone.

"Nearly 6." He said.

"I should go soon." I said and he pouts at me.

"But.. Babbbbyyyyyyy" He whines rolling ontop of me and laying his head on my chest.

My body gets all warm and fuzzy when he calls me baby and I love it.

"Gray, my brother already wants you dead right now. I can't stay here forever." I said, running my hands through his hair.

He stays laying on me.

He looks up at me with a frown.

"Cant you though?" He whined making me giggle.

"Gray" I said smiling a little.

He smiles and raises his eyebrow.

I look to his tired eyes.

"Just a little while longer" I say, giving in.

He smiles more.

I giggle a little and he leans up and kisses me softly.

"You know what I was dreaming about?" He asks once he pulled away.

"What?" I asked.

"You." He said with a small smile, making me laugh.

"Your lying." I said.

"AM Not!" He exclaimed, making me smile a little.

"Oh yeah? What happened in this dream?" I asked and a cute little smirk comes onto his face.

"You don't wanna know" He said 

"I don't?" I asked.

"I mean you definitely do, But I'm not gonna tell you." He said.

"Why not?!" I exclaimed.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now