5- Maui, Hawaii

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Joe’s POV

I wake up in a hospital. I groan and see my cousin, Jon sitting in a chair. He looks up when I groan.

I ask, “What the hell happened? Where am I?"

Jon says,”You were kicked hard in the head by Damon Gerard. He nearly killed you with a switchblade until Rosalie speared the shit out of him. She stabbed the switchblade through his hand and it stuck through his hand to the floor beneath it."

I ask, “Where is Rosalie?"

He looks down and I ask, “Where is she?"

Jon doesn't answer and I ask, “She’s gone isn't she?"

Jon nods and I curse.

I ask, “Why did she leave?"

He answers, “Because she was scared and thinks she put us all in danger and thought leaving would protect us."

I scoff, “Protect us?! Doesn't she realize she's hurting me by not being here?"

Jon doesn't say anything and I ask, “Where is she headed?"

He shakes his head and I sigh, “She didn't tell you."

A familiar voice says, “But she told me."

I look at the source of the voice and standing in front of me is a man with blonde hair wearing silver glitter eye shadow, red colored eye contacts, heels with skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

I ask, “Who the hell are you?"

He says, “I am Cameron McCall, Rosalie's fabulous roommate. But the important question is who are you?"

I say, “I am Joe Anoa'i. Most people know me as Roman Reigns."

Revelation flashes in his eyes. He walks over to a chair and sits down.

He says, “You’re the one who Rose cannot stop talking to me about. She cares for you deeply."

I nod and he says, “I have a question for you."

I say,”You."

Cameron asks, “Do you love her?"

I sit there and think over the past several days and realize that I do love Rosalie.

I look up at him and say, “I do. I love her."

He smiles and says, “She’s in Maui. She's at her Hawaiian house called Blue Serenity."

I say, “Jon get the damn doctor in here so I can sign my discharge papers and get on a plane."

He leaves and I say, “Thank you Cameron. I really care for her a lot."

He smiles and says, “I just want to see my little rose bud bloom. She means the world to me because she came to me to get rid of him."

I nod and he tosses me a card. I pick it up and see it's a credit card in my name.

I ask, “What is this for?"

He says, “I loaded it with over $25,000 on it."

I say, “I can't take it."

He says, “It’s nothing."

He leaves before I can say or do anything else."

I grab the clothes of mine that are on the table and put my jeans on. The nurse comes in and takes the tubes out of my arms. I put my shirt on and see the nurse ogling me.

I say, “Sorry taken."

She blushes and leaves. I chuckle and grab my phone, wallet and Jon comes in and says that I am free to go. Jon drives me back to the arena and I pack my belongings and head to my car. I am stopped by Stephanie McMahon.

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now