30- Say What Now?

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I get out of the Impala and see Seth and Ruby packing things into Seth's bus. I feel my phone vibrate and see that I never read the text from my dad.

It says:

We need to talk.

I hear the door of mine and Joe's bus open. I turn and see my dad standing there. I am confused.

I ask, "Dad why didn't you just call me?"

He says,"I had to tell you in person."

I say, "Dad you're scaring me."

He says,"I need to speak with you alone."

I look at Joe and he nods. I go to the bus and my dad closes the door. We sit at the table and my dad is fidgeting. I place my hands over his and he looks up at me.

I say,"You can tell me dad."

He looks down and I ask, "Dad are you dying?"

My father laughs and shakes his head. I sigh in relief and squeeze his hand.

He says,"I don't want to lose you."

I say concerned,"You will not lose me."

He says,"I will. Once you know."

I say, "Tell me what is troubling you dad."

He says,"I am your biological father but the mother you knew, Cassidy, was not your biological mother."

I ask, "Say what now?"

He says, "Your mother you knew adopted you. She didn't care."

I stand up and say, "You're lying."

He shakes his head and says,"I only know who you're related to here."

I say, "I am not related to anyone here. I am your daughter and "the mom I knew" is my mother. Elena is my sister."

He says,"I am so sorry. Cassidy and I were going to tell you but then she passed away. I didn't know if I should still tell you but then I thought that that's what Sandra would have wanted."

I say, "I don't believe you."

He says,"I have never lied to you ever."

He is right. My father's right about that. He has never ever lied to me. I also know when he's tried to lie. His left eye twitches. I sit down and look at my father.

I say, "Tell me again."

He does and I watch his eyes. No twitch. He's telling the truth. I run to the door, unlock it, and burst out of the bus. Joe, Seth, and Ruby look at me and I feel like I don't know who my family is. Ruby takes a step towards me and I turn and run out of the arena. I hear Joe calling for me.

I keep running and run till I reach the park. I collapse under a weeping willow tree and cry. All the memories of with the mother I thought was mine are tarnished. I can't believe he would keep this from me. I hear Dean and bolt from under the tree. I run and Dean tackles me. He pins my legs under his legs and has pinned my hands by my wrists.

Dean says,"I will not let you go till you tell me what happened."

I stutter, "I j-j-just found out my mother wasn't my mother."

Dean seems confused and he asks, "What?"

He lets me up and I say, "My mother, Cassidy, isn't my mother. I don't know who my mother is?"

Dean understands and pulls me closer to him. I cry and he lets me. Once my crying has slowed, he gets up and pulls me up with him.

I say quietly, "I'm related to someone who works in the company."

Dean asks, "Who?"

I say, "I don't know."

He says,"I think we need to head back and find out."

I say, "I don't think I can talk to my dad right now. At least not today."

Dean says,"I think I know the three people to take care of this."

I say, "I don't need the Shield, Deanie. Just have Nattie Jon, and Trin talk to him."

Dean says,"I."

We walk in silence back to the arena. When I get there, I see my father look at me. I burst into tears and run to CM Punk's locker room. I knock on the door. Punk opens and when he sees me he steps aside letting me in. He closes and locks the door. He pulls me in for a hug. I cry and slowly gain my sanity back.

Punk asks, "What happened?"

I say, "I just found out that my mother wasn't my mother."

Punk holds me and I hold him tight. He rubs my back and after a half hour of just being quiet there's a knock on Punk's locker room door. He goes and opens it and I see a shocked Natalya standing there.

I ask, "What is it?"

Nattie says, "We're sisters."

I feel my eyes widen and ask, "Your mom's my mom?"

She nods and I run to her and hug her. She holds on to me and I feel new tears come. We are crying on the ground, hugging each other when Jon and Trin find us with The Shield behind them. The Shield is confused and I just cling to my sister that I never knew I had. Nattie clings to me just as I am clinging to her.



Well there you have it Rosalie is part of the Hart dynasty. What do you think? Was it mean of her father to keep that from her? Does Rosalie know? How will she react when she finds out? What's going to happen now that Rosalie is Nattie's sister?

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