76- Elena Meets Edge

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I head out to the living room with Joe in tow. I see Elena there and she's blushing in embarrassment. I am surprised she's here. I smile and run to her. I tackle her and we fall to the floor. I flip us so that I take the impact and look up at her. We bust up laughing and lift her off of me. I nip up and help her up. I give her a hug and she hugs me back.

I ask,"What are you doing here?"

She replies,"I wanted to surprise you."

I smile and chuckle as I reply,"Consider me surprised."

I pull away and we sit on the couch. We get caught up and I find out that my dad has gone back to work. Elena has a job of her own at a tattoo shop and I ask her if she will do my tattoo. She says she will get me a deal and I hug her. There's a knock at the door and I see Adam's blonde head pop up. I get up and run to him. He catches me and spins me around. I smile and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

I ask,"What are you doing here Adam?"

He answers,"I came to see if you were ok. Ruby called saying that there was an accident."

I say,"Nothing to worry about. Eve just was a Bitch and pushed me off the ladder."

Adam exclaims,"What!? Where is that little Bitch!?"

I soothe,"It's ok. Stephanie, Triple H, and Vince are taking care of it. Plus Nattie had her in the sharpshooter. It was a good one too."

Adam growls low and I smile. I turn around and see Elena looking at me questioningly. I bring Adam over to her and sit him down. I see Joe go into the shadows for the time being.

I say,"Elena uh this is my brother Adam. Adam this is my sister Elena. Elena Adam is better know as Edge. He uh he's the one that I told you about that took me in when I went to Florida to become a Diva. Then he moved to Asheville and helped me buy a place in Florida."

They stare at each other and Elena jumps across me into Adam's arms. I'm surprised and so is Adam. Elena is hugging him and he hugs her back. I smile as I see two parts of my two worlds come together. I feel tears in my eyes and I wipe my eyes. Elena pulls away and pulls me in between her and Adam.

I chuckle as they squish me in a hug. They pull away and I look at Joe. He is smiling and I go to him. I motion for him to lean down and he does. I press a gentle kiss to his lips and he smiles. I pull away and take his hand. I pull him over to Elena and Adam. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap. I blush and he kisses my cheek.

I say,"I uh. I want to ask you something Elena."

She nods and I ask,"Will you be Maid of Honor with the girls at my wedding?"

She seems surprised and I wait in anticipation for her response. She blinks several times and I look at her waiting.

Elena says finally,"Yes."

I get up and hug her. She hugs me back and I pull away. She grabs my right hand and looks at the engagement ring. She gasps and tells Joe that it is beautiful. I smile and she smiles at me.

Elena says,"I can't believe you're getting married."

I laugh and she runs to Joe and hugs him. He hugs her back.

Joe says in perfect Gaelic," Mo dheirfiúr céim bheag."

I taught him how to say that. My sister seems surprised and I giggle. I go to the kitchen while Adam,Joe, and Elena talk. I put on the Teen Beach Movie soundtrack. Don't judge me. I still love watching Disney. Don't like it. Tough. Fallin' For Ya comes on and I'm making some smoothies to go with our salads. I start singing and don't hear Joe come to stand behind me.

I get up on the counter and get the salad spinner from up top. It's stuck though. I wrench it out and fall back. I'm waiting for the impact of the floor but it doesn't come. I open my eyes to see Joe staring back at me. I giggle and tap his nose gently. He smiles and I turn the soundtrack off.

Joe asks,"Are you okay?"

I nod and say,"I guess I literally fell for ya."

He smiles and presses a sweet kiss to my lips. He sets me on my feet and I go back to making the salads. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I smile. I finish making the big bowl of salad and the smoothies and set them on the table. I get four plates out and Joe grabs forks. Adam, Elena, Joe, and I all eat some salad and drink our fruit smoothies. Soon it's time for Main Event and Elena and Adam walk with Joe and I to our locker room.

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now