44- Monday Night Raw-The Shield match

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~2 months later~

So creative just got done with how the storyline between Summer Rae and I should go. It will be after the storyline with the Shield and I. Eva Marie and I have grown closer since that day. Cameron has been helping with the wedding plans. I have been hitting the gym and the ring. I have been in matches with Tamina, Eve, and Eva Marie. Tonight is the night that I get my hands on Summer. We've done promos for it and Trinity and Ariane have had to hold me back. I can't wait. I'm so pumped.

I have a segment with the announcers during the Shield's match which is a couple matches before mine. I head to where they are and I go down with them. I'm in my ring gear. I flip over the barricade and Roman is there to catch me. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He has a match against Sheamus, Fandango, and Christian. I go and sit next Jerry at the announce table. He hands me a headset and I smile.

Jerry:Hey Hayley. It's a pleasure to have you here.

I reply, "Well I'm happy to be here Jerry."

J:Well I'm pretty sure that I speak for the whole WWE Universe when I ask.

I say, "Ask away Jerry."

J: Are you and Roman Reigns dating?

I say, "Why yes we are Jerry. Roman is a strong man. He is very sweet but he has helped me in the ring a lot. I am pretty sure Roman is the one for me. No one compares to him."

Michael Cole: I didn't think you would be interested in Samoans."

I say," Sorry Michael. I'm just too young for you. Plus as you had confirmed not even two seconds ago, you're not my type."

J: What about the other two members of the Shield?

I say, "Seth and Dean are really good friends. I think if I wasn't in a relationship with Roman we'd be like brothers and sister. I guess that makes sense."

J: What about Fandango?

I say, "Fandango is a cocky jerk. He had no right to lay his hands let alone his lips on me. He is going to get what he deserves tonight."

J: What about you and Summer Rae?

I say, "I can't wait for my match between Summer Rae and I. She is going to get what she deserves. Starting rumors about things that never happened."

J: I thought you and Summer Rae were friends?

I say, "Summer Rae is an ugly, lying, manipulative, bitch."

I see Summer jump onto the apron distracting Roman. I rip the headset off slide into the ring and have spear her off the apron. I get up and look down at her as she holds her head and stomach. The Shield wins and I go and "trip" and Roman catches me as we fall. I smile and he smiles back. I press a kiss to his lips and he kisses me back. I giggle as the crowd goes wild. We get up and head back through the crowd and I stop to get a picture with a little girl and her brother. Joe and I head to my locker room and I open the door to see Cameron sitting there.



Wow cool match and awesome segment.

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