82- The Wedding and the Honeymoon

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I wake up and smile today's the day. I get up and look over to see Joe reading. I get up and run out the door as I smell pancakes. I don't stop fast enough and collide with the wall and fall down. I look up and see Joe.

He says,"I guess I don't need to ask if you fell for me."

I say,"Ha ha. Now help me up."

Joe chuckles and helps me up. I slide down the banister and slide into the kitchen. I grab the plate of pancakes and the syrup.

Cameron calls,"Fork on your right."

I don't even look and catch it as he throws it.

Cam says,"Summer slam cup on your left."

He throws it and I catch it without looking.

I turn as he tosses the milk gallon. I catch it and pour the milk into the glass. I set it on the table. I see a stack of pancakes piling up.

I go to the staircase and do my best Roseanne impression yelling,"KIDS! BREAKFAST!!"

All you hear is trampling and thumps as everyone runs down the staircase. I head back to my plate and Joe is sitting with his. I dig in and smile. Best breakfast ever. I love pancakes. I finish and hand Cameron my plate. I head upstairs and Joe's right behind me.

He says,"Let me draw the bath for you."

I smile and he goes and draws a bath. I change into my robe while he draws the bath. He comes and takes my hand leading me into the bathroom. I smile up at him and he smiles at me.

Joe says,"You deserve to relax with how much you've done planning this wedding."

I smile and say,"Thank you, Joe. I love you."

Joe smiles and says,"I love you too. Have a nice bath."

He leaves and I take off my robe and slide into the bath. It's really warm and relaxing. I relax and just lay back. The water smells like vanilla. I smile and wash up. I climb out and get my robe on. Me. Sandra comes in with Gabriella and Mikayla. Ms. Sandra helps me into my wedding dress.

The cameras come in to film for Total Divas. They have me sit down and Gabriella starts in on my hair. I relax and close my eyes as she does my hair. When she's done after about two hours, Mikayla starts in on the makeup. After about two and a half hours, she finishes and I stand up. Sandra fixes any wrinkles and straightens anything out.

My bridesmaids come in and I smile. They get their hair and makeup done and there is a knock at the door. I quickly hide considering I haven't put my heels on yet. The door opens and I hear my dad, Dean, Cena, Seth, Dwayne, and Sika. I call out asking if Joe is there and they tell me no.

I come out and look up at the guys. Their jaws drop and I blush. My dad comes over and takes my hands. I smile up at him and see tears in his eyes. I chuckle and he hugs me gently.

I say,"Dad, don't you dare cry. I can't cry right now."

He chuckles and says,"Ok."

I go to Dean and he looks at me. I blush and he smirks.

He says,"Rosalie you look beautiful."

I blush and he smiles.

Cena comes and looks me up and down. I smile and he smiles back.

Cena says,"You look marvelous."

I say,"Johnny, stop it. You'll make me cry."

He laughs and hugs me.

Seth says,"You look amazing Rose."

I reply,"You don't look so bad yourself for a hound."

He hugs me and I whisper in his ear,"Cousin."

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