29- Gym

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I wake up and get up. I remember last night and shudder in horror. I get ready into some work out gear and am finishing putting my hair up into a ponytail, when Joe wakes up. I smile at him and he sits up.

He kisses my cheek and says, "I will come to the gym with you."

I say, "I am about to leave to go get Starbucks. Hurry your cute ass up."

He says, "I think we know you're the one with the cute ass in this relationship."

I blush and smile as he gets an Under Armour tank top on. I have an Under Armour sports bra and yoga work out pants on. He gets some basketball shorts on and we are tying our shoes and head out to the kitchen.

I grab a bagel and put it in the toaster. Joe takes out low sodium sausage patties and eggs. He makes the sausage patties and I throw a bagel in the toaster for him. When they pop up, I take them out and set them on two plates. Joe puts the eggs and sausage patties on the bagels and he grabs two slices of cheese from the fridge and places them on the patties and puts the top of the bagels on top.

He says, "Homemade breakfast sandwiches. Healthier and free."

I laugh and he holds his sandwich out to me. I blush and take a bite. A clump of strands of hair have fallen from behind his ear and he smiles at me. I stand on my tiptoes and tuck it behind his ear. He smirks and I stick my tongue out at him. I take my sandwich and hold out to him. He takes a bite and I smile. We eat and soon Joe has made us protein shakes and I grab some towels and clothes for Joe and I. We see Ruby and Tyler laughing but Dean and Seth are walking on either side of Ruby and she keeps glancing at Seth. I look at Joe and he looks at me.

I asks,"You saw that right?"

Joe says,"I saw Ruby keep glancing at Seth."

I say,"You. It's happening."

I go to the group of four and grab Ruby and Seth and whisper in Dean's ear to keep Tyler from following us. He nods and I drag Seth and Ruby to the bus with Joe following. I close and lock the door and turn to the two confused people.

I say, "I am going to have Seth help you pack things at your place."

Seth looks confused but Ruby is blushing and looking down. I give him the look and he right away agrees.

He says,"Yeah. I'll help."

I say, "Great. Joe and I going to the gym and work out."

Joe says, "Seth can drive you since he rented a car."

Joe and I leave and head to the gym in my Impala. I go to the treadmill and I see Joe head to the weights. I watch him as I start jogging. He does squats with the bar and over a hundred pounds of weight on each end. I watch in amazement at the way his body moves fluidly. The girl next to me nudges me.

She says, "He's a hottie."

I instantly want to punch her but I breathe. She smiles at me and I nod. I smile as a thought goes through my mind. I get off the treadmill and walk over to Joe. He smiles at me and I motion for him to lean down and he does. I press my lips against his and he kisses me back. He then starts me on lifting a hundred pounds. I do that and then he has me bench press one hundred and fifty pounds. I am ok then he adds twenty five more pounds on each side and I press it but have some trouble lifting it. He helps me by bringing the bar up with one hand. I sit up and he checks me over.

I say, "I am fine."

He nods and I smile. We work out for a couple more hours, shower, change, then head back to the arena.



Oooooh jealousy.

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