7- First Date on the Beach

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I see that Trinity is trying to get Jon's attention and I look at Jon. I give him a slight head tilt to have him look behind him. He does and goes to Trinity. I look at Joe and he smiles.

I ask, “Do I look ok?"

Joe looks at me like I am crazy and says,”You look beautiful. I just want to kiss you again."

I blush and say, “I don't look beautiful. I never have."

Joe asks, “Who told you you're not beautiful?"

I reply quietly, “Eric."

He says, “He was too stupid to see he had a gem."

I blush and look down. Joe takes my hand gently and pulls me to him. He cups my cheek and looks in my eyes. He smiles and I smile back.

Joe says, “I know that I have a gem and will never let it go. I will never let you go now that I have you, Rosalie."

I blush and place my free hand on his chest and say, “I don't ever want to leave the safety of your arms."

He smiles and says, “I won't let go unless absolutely necessary."

I bite my bottom lip and Joe leans down and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back. We pull away when Trinity and Jon come back in the room with Sika and Patricia. Joe takes my hand and we walk down the stairs. Trinity and Patricia cover my eyes. They guide me somewhere and I feel Patricia take my heels off. I feel sand beneath my feet. I feel a chair beneath me. Trinity removes her hands from my eyes and I see that I am by the water sitting at a table with Joe sitting across from me. He looks as confused as I feel. Jon comes out of nowhere with wine glasses filled with wine.

I say, “I’m sorry. I'm not a wine drinker. I've never liked the taste of wine. I'm more of a beer type of girl."

Joe seems surprised. So does Jon. I blush and Joe smiles. Jon takes the glasses away and comes back with two ice cold beer bottles. I smile at Joe and take a sip of the beer. I don't drink majorly but I have a few beers every now and then. Jon brings out a pizza. I smile and Joe serves me. He comes and moves closer to me and we eat. The sun starts to set and I lay my head on Joe’s arm and we watch the sunset.

I ask, “Joe do you have any siblings other than Matt?"

Joe says, “I only have Matt."

I nod and he asks, “What about you?"

I say, “I have a younger sister. She is staying with our grandparents. My parents. They are getting better."

Joe asks, “What happened to them?"

I say, “They got into a bad car crash and it was when I was auditioning to become a Diva. I nearly threw away my audition to fly back home. My sister called and told me to go through with it because it's what our parents would want. They have come out of the comas they were in. I called them when I got the car that Stephanie wanted to sign me. They were so happy for me. I was hoping one or all of them would've been there when I debuted."

Joe says, “I am sorry. I didn't mean to-."

I kiss his cheek and say, “its ok. They are alive and getting better."

He smiles and I say, “I wish my sister would be there at my second RAW."

Joe wraps his arm around me and I lean against his side. We watch the sunset and he holds me close. Once the sun sets, he picks me up and carries me inside the house. He sets me on the couch and tells me that he's going to make us sundaes. I nod and he leaves. I grab my earphones and put on my Disney playlist on. He Melee No Lilo comes on and I start dancing. I close my eyes and let the music flow through me. I smile as I remember my Hula Dance lessons. I keep dancing when Son of Man comes on. I bump into something and open my eyes. I see that I bumped into Joe. I blush and take my earphones out.

I say, “I’m sorry."

Joe says, “It’s alright. I didn't know you could hula dance."

I say, “I came to Maui several times with my family and my parents bought me hula dance lessons and that's how I learned."

Joe smiles and says,“It was beautiful watching you dance."

I blush and ask, “Are there any dances from Samoa?"

He says, “Jon and Josh do a Samoan dance before they get into the ring. It's called the Samoan Siva Tau."

I nod and ask, “Do you think you, Jon, and Josh could show me it tomorrow?"

He says, “Sure. But we have to leave tomorrow. When we get back to the arena for this week's RAW we can show you."

I smile and say,“I can't wait to see it."

Joe smiles and we eat our sundaes as we look up at the night sky. I lay my head in Joe’s lap and he strokes my hair. I smile and close my eyes



I know a shortish chapter but a lot is going to happen in the next chapter. Awww Rosalie and Joe had their first date. Wow Rosalie told Joe some of what Eric put her through. Hmmm....

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