59- Talk With Joe

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Joe turns to me after he closes and locks the door. I look around and see that the room is decorated the same way as the Salvatore Boarding House on The Vampire Diaries. I walk towards the wall to touch the wallpaper and hear Joe come towards me.

He says, "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about Joelle, Rosalie."

I say, "Joe, it's perfectly fine. I'm not a total bitch. You have a daughter so what. You were perfectly calm when I had a psycho boyfriend coming after you and I. You having a daughter is perfectly fine."

Joe starts pacing and says, "You're not a bitch. You're perfect. I should've told you about Joelle. I mean honestly if you're going to become my wife soon, i should've told you about Joelle. I had no right to keep her a secret from you. She's been by with me since Jessica and I split. Wow i never even told you about Jessie. I'm such an idiot. Jessie is my ex-girlfriend who's also Joelle's mom. I'm such an idiot. I didn't tell you anything of my past or the most important girl of my life. I mean Joelle. You're important to me but she's my daughter. I'm sorry i never told you about Jessie or Joelle. I was going to tell you Rosalie."

I step in front of him and grab his shoulders and bring him down to my level.

I say, "One, you're not an idiot. Two, It's not my business unless you make it my business. Three, I never told you about me being in the Hell Cats. Four, You're an amazing father from what I just saw out there."

Joe steps towards me and says huskily, "I'm really sorry. Forgive me?"

I look at him and run my hands up his chest and say, "I'm perfectly okay with you having a daughter. Joelle's beautiful and amazing. Just like her dad."

Joe looks at me and his hands are on my hips. He leans down and I tug his hair free from the ponytail he had it in. I press my lips against his and he kisses me back. I smile as he pulls away. He looks at me and I smile bigger and feel heat rise to my cheeks.

He says,"I don't deserve you. You're too good to me."

I look at him like he's crazy. He pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back and he buries his face in my hair.

He says, "You're perfect. I love you."

I say, "I love you too."

He holds me than we head downstairs to a girl scream. I look at Joe and he looks at me. I flip over the railing and land in a crouch. I through my head back and start running to where the sound came from. I skid to a stop as I see Josh running from Joelle who is asking Josh to play with her My Little Pony dolls. I don't say anything just watch as Josh runs around the couch avoiding Joelle. Joe comes and skids to a stop. He starts to say something but i shush him. We watch until finally Jon tackles Josh and Joelle gets on Josh's chest and plays with her dolls on top of him. Josh is glaring at Jon and we all start laughing. It's around eight o'clock.

I ask, "Do we get Joelle for the whole two weeks?"

Joe says, "Just Christmas Eve. Jessie should be coming to pick her up soon."

I pout and he kisses me and says, "Don't worry I'll talk Jess into letting me get her from Saturday to Christmas Eve."

I smile and he chuckles. He goes and sits with his daughter and i watch him as he plays with her. His eyes light up every time he is with her. Just like he is with me. I hope I can give him a child of our own, just after my career has died down a bit. I mean I'm the Divas champion. I can't be pregnant right now. I want to give Joe a kid of his own but not quite yet. The doorbell rings and i go to answer it. I open the door and see a woman who is beautiful. She seems surprised to see me here.

She says, "Hi. I'm here to pick up Joelle."

I ask, "Just for safety precautions, who are you?"

She says "That's ok. I'm her mother Jessie."

I nod and call for Joelle and she comes over.

I ask, "Joelle is this your mom?"

I see Joe coming over and Joelle says, "Yes. This is my momma, Rosalie."

I smile and Joe opens the door more and Jessie's eyes flash towards him. I give Joelle a hug goodbye and she hugs me tight. She goes to Joe and he picks her up and hugs her tightly. I see Joelle have tears falling down her face.

Joe says, "Rosalie, go check on Josh. I'll be there in a minute."

I say,"You."

He gives me a quick kiss and I leave him to Jessie and go check on Josh to make sure he isn't killing Jon. I see that Jon is still alive and sit on the couch.

I say,"Crap come and sit down."

Jon comes and sits next to me. I give him a hug and he hugs me back. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. I sniffle and look down after I let him go. Jon places a hand on my shoulder and i wipe my eyes.

I say, "Excuse me."

I get up and run into the kitchen and see Patricia. She sees me and tells me where a bathroom is. I follow her instructions and find the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see my reflection. Flashes of Jeremy go through my head. I slowly lower to the ground and curl into a ball. My nails dig into my palms and i reign my tears in. I slowly open the bathroom door and try to bury the memories of Jeremy. I see him running towards me and i shake my head trying to get it out. I lean my head against the doorframe and breathe deeply. I find the back door and head into the backyard barefoot. I don't know if i should tell Joe about Jeremy. I mean I need to visit his grave that's here in Pensacola where he lived. Cassidy is buried next to him. I will visit their graves when Dean and Colby get here tomorrow.



Well Rosalie has met Jessie and Joelle. Who's Jeremy??

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