11- Stretches and So called Snitches

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Joe covers my eyes and I place my hands over his.

Joe says, "Trust me."

I says,"I do."

I hear someone coming towards us. I feel them take my hand.

Joe says, "Natalya."

I hear her say, "It's ready."

I ask, "What is ready?"

Joe says,"I will see."

I sigh and he says, "Don't pout. It isn't fair."

I smile and we walk. I have no idea where we are headed. I hear other people and we stop. Joe removes his hands. In front of me is a table with a beautiful meal. I smile and look at Joe. He smiles and I wrap my arms around his midsection and he wraps his arms around me.

I say, "It's beautiful."

Joe says, "I didn't know if you would like it."

I says,"I do."

Joe says, "I'm glad. It's chicken broccoli fettuccini alfredo. I made it myself."

I says,"I can't wait to try it then."

He pulls my chair out for me and I sit down. He pushes me in and goes and sits down. He scoops up the food and places it on the plate and sets it in front of me. I take a bite and my mouth explodes with flavor. I smile and he laughs.

I swallow and say, "Wow that is delicious."

Joe asks, "Really?"

I say, "Yes."

He says, "Thank you."

I say, "No, mo aingeal Samóis, my Samoan angel, thank you. It's delicious."

Joe smiles and we eat in silence. Not that awkward silence. The comfortable silence you have with ones that you care about. We finish and he takes my hand and entwines our fingers.

Joe says, "I promise you that I will love you and take care of you."

I feel tears in my eyes and I say, "Geallaim a grá agat agus cúram a ghlacadh de tú chomh maith. I promise to love you and take care of you too."

He kisses our hands and I kiss his cheek. I lay my head against his shoulder and he lays his head on mine. We sit like for a while. I sigh and he pulls back. I look up at him and he raises an eyebrow questioningly.

I says,"I want to spend forever with you but I feel like by my feeling like that it is too soon."

Joe smiles and says, "You're not alone on that."

I ask, "What?"

He says, "I feel the same way. I want to spend forever with you."

I ask, "What can we do?"

Joe says, "Long engagement?"

I says,"I guess. if you want to do that."

He says, "I will do anything to get me one step closer to having you forever."

I blush and he says, "I will be back in an hour. I want to get you a gift for tonight. Do you like puppies?"

I say, "Joe we can't have a puppy on the road with us."

Joe says, "I know. Stuffed puppy I mean."

I says,"I like wolves. preferably black, white, or silver with black and white in its fur of wolves."

He smiles and says, "I will be back."

I say, "Wait."

Joe turns and asks, "What?"

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now