64- Back to Work

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I know the match where Trinity was injured didn't happen until later in the year and that it was a singles match but I wanted to change it since its my story.


It's been a week since Christmas. Miz sent me a copy of his movie Christmas Bounty. We watched that with Joelle as well as her Scooby Doo DVDs. We haven't been able to watch The X Files. But now we're back at work. The Shield is split up to have singles matches with the Wyatt family. I have a match with AJ Lee tonight. But it's a tag team match. I choose Trinity and AJ chooses Aksana. I've downloaded all seasons of The X-Files onto my iPod Touch and am watching them as I get ready. I'm watching the Pilot and hear an impact against the door. I take my earphones out and stop the show.

I hear Joe's voice say, "Summer Rae. Get. Away. From. Me. Now."

Summer Rae's voice says, "Come on, Joe. Just one kiss."

I hear Joe says,"I said no Summer. I'm engaged. I love Rosalie."

Summer's voice says, "Joe, be honest. You don't love Rosalie. I know you have been watching me."

Joe says, "No. I love Rosalie. I have been watching you so you don't upset or fight with Rosalie. She doesn't need it."

Summer says, "Come on Joe. One kiss."

Joe says, "No."

I hear Joe get pushed against the door and hear something crash across from him. I open the door to see Joe looking pissed off and Summer Rae trying to get herself out of boxes. I see her lipstick is smeared and I watch her get up. I circle her and she fidgets.

Summer says, "Rosalie, it was just a misunderstanding. Complete misunderstanding. I'm going to go."

I yell, "Stay! Still!"

She freezes and I look at her. I see fear in her eyes and circle her.

I say, "Just one kiss Summer. Come on Summer."

She starts shaking and I smile evilly. She slaps me and I remain calm.

I walk towards her and say, "Just one kiss Summer."

She starts to back away and I see her grab Joe's arm. I spear her into some boxes and punch her. She starts screaming as I pull her head up by her hair and slam it into the boxes repeatedly. I feel her bite my hand and I slap her. She slaps me and I toss her several feet away. I run and jump on her. She flips me over and I slam my forearm into her face.

I say, "You do not try to get at my man."

Summer Rae is holding her face and I get up and walk to Joe. He looks me over and I crack my neck. I see some sand bags and pick one up. I slice an opening in it and walk to where Summer is sitting. I pour the sand on her and she starts spluttering. I toss the bag in her face and head back to Joe. I pull him into my locker room and lock the door. We sit across from each other silently.

I get ready for my match with Trin and head out leaving Joe sitting there. I head out when my music starts playing. Trinity comes out and I smile at her. She gets in the ring and hugs me. AJ and Aksana come out and the match starts. AJ and I are going at it. I do a Stratusfaction on AJ and she kicks out. I dropkick her to her corner and she comes at me and hooks her move the Black Widow on. I go down to one knee and Trin starts to get the crowd into the match. I get back to my feet and fall back. I slowly crawl to Trinity and AJ tags Aksana in. I tag Trinity in and they go at it. Soon as I watch from the apron, Aksana is standing over Trinity and I see her knee come down above Trin's eye socket. I hear a crack and Trinity grabs her eye. I gasp and she gets up. Trinity finishes the match and we head to the back. I help her to the trainer's room.



Wow. What's up with Summer?

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now