38- Kaysie

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Nik says, "It's Kaysie....."

I am shocked as I hear my best friend's name come out of his mouth. She lives in Dallas, Texas. We grew up together and we went to college together. She was majoring in fashion design and was majoring as a veterinarian. I was majoring in writing but I was mostly training for WWE.

Nik says, "Rosalie."

I compose myself and ask, "What happened?"

Nik says,"I don't know. I came to visit and we were having fun. I went to my hotel last night and then came back this morning to find her beat up and her clothes ripped. She's on her way to the hospital. I-I think she might have been raped Rosalie."

I remember Kaysie telling me about her boyfriend Sean. He used to beat her when he was drunk until he crashed his car by drunk driving. When he got to the hospital he vowed to never drink again. He's been clean for a year now. Kaysie said he was doing fine.

I ask, "Is she okay?"

Nik says,"I don't know. They haven't told me anything."

I say, "Our next stop is Dallas after Vegas. When they let you in, tell her that I will be there soon. I don't want to be there after the fact but she is the one person who cheered me on to do this. She will hate me if I lose my job over her."

Nik tells me he will tell her and that he will call me when they let him see her. I thank him for calling and head back to the others. I sit down and look at Ruby. She realizes something is wrong and looks at me questioningly. I shake my head and she nods.

Joe leans over and asks, "What's wrong?"

I say, "I just have to do something when we get to Dallas. I have to go see someone."

Joe says,"I will come with you."

I reply,"You don't have to."

He tells me, "I want to."

I smile and tell him, "I will tell you later."

Criss announces, "Although I just met them, I want to congratulate Joe Anoa'i and Rosalie Salvatore on their engagement. I hope you live a happy life together."

I blush and Joe kisses my cheek. I see a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye and look over. I see Kayla and I shoot up and everyone looks at me.

I say, "Everyone get down."

They do and Kayla runs at me. I run and jump on a chair. Kayla jumps and kicks at me but I grab her ankle and twist it. I throw her at the wall and she crashes into it. Kayla gets up and runs at me. I jump off the chair and kick her in the sternum. She falls and holds her chest. I jump onto her back and hold her arms back. She struggles to get out and I see Criss comes towards us.

I exclaim, "Get back!"

He says, "Hold her."

I give him the "No really" look. He is holding out his hand and starts breathing heavily. Next thing I know, the ground has disappeared from underneath me. I flip off and land in a crouch. I look up and see Kayla floating in the air. I look at Criss and see he is levitating her. Dean and Seth jump and grab her arms. John and Joe grab her legs. Criss stops and they are holding her as she is struggling. I step in front of her and she glares up at me.

I ask, "What are you doing here?"

She says,"I am to bring you back to the Hell Cats. It needs you."

I say, "I am the first President of the Hell Cats. I was voted to not be bothered with anything to do with the Hell Cats when I left."

I look at her and snarl, "Your President is in jail. He disobeyed a vote that he was a part of. I will always have power over any President that takes over the Hell Cats. You are to not come near me, my family, or my friends ever."

She tries to get to me and Criss comes with police. They arrest her and I sigh and walk outside of the Luxor. I sit down and feel the tears slide down. Trinity stands in front of me and picks me up. I see everyone coming out.

I say, "I'm sorry. My past just keeps coming after me. And all of you."

Joe promises, "I don't care. I will keep you safe."

I say, "Eve was right though Joe. From the moment I met you, I put you in danger. She was right. I have nearly gotten you killed. I nearly got my cousin killed. All because of MY past."

Joe promises, "I am not going anywhere."

I sigh, "Joe, I don't want you in danger."

Joe steps towards me and takes my hand. He looks at me and I look in his eyes. He pulls me closer and I link our fingers.

He leans down to where we are just centimeters apart and says,"I put myself in danger every day. I think I can handle it. Besides, don't women like a bit of danger."

I smirk and reply, "I love a bit of danger. The moment I saw you, I was drawn to the danger side."

He whispers, "I guess I was drawn to the danger side of you."

I smile and press my lips against his. He kisses me back and I feel the floor disappear from under my feet as he picks me up. I smile and he pulls away. I lean my forehead against his and look into his eyes. He smiles and sets me on my feet. I look at everyone and they all have an expression like they just saw a baby do something cute.

I say, "I think I need to go back to the bus and rest in my own bed until the show tonight."

Criss gives us all hugs and V.I.P. tickets to the show tonight. We leave and I get in my Impala with the guys. I drive us back to the arena. I park her inside and we get out. Joe and I go to the bus and we lay down and relax as Tyler guards the bus.



I hope this makes up for that short chapter. Wow. lots of stuff. lots of stuff.

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