77-Main Event

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It's Main Event time and I can't wait for it to be over. I have to see Sandra about the rest of my dress and then get ready to go to the next stop which is New York City. I get my gear on and head to where the guys are waiting. Tonight is the first night that I walk down to the ring with the guys. We go down the hallway and wait for the gorilla to cue us.

He cues us and I hear the crowd cheering as we walk down the hallway. We walk down the steps and all of a sudden I get yanked back by my hair. I gasp and my back hits the steps. I see the guys turn around then I see a fist and a woman with curly hair. I get my legs under her and launch her over me. I'm thankful my head didn't hit the steps.

I turn and the woman launches herself at me. I sidestep mostly but her outstretched hand hits my shoulder and it sends me spinning into the fans. I stop myself from falling on a 7 year old girl. I apologize and the fans ask if I am ok. I rub the back of my head and nod.

I get wrenched back by my hair again and it's the same woman. I grip her hair in my hand and yank it. She lets go and pushes me. I stumble but feel hands on my back steadying me. I see that the fans have helped me. I turn to the woman she glares at me. I recognize her as Alex Rousseau. I was always nice to her.

I furrow my brow in confusion and she comes at me. I run at her and she grabs my hair as I duck under her arm. I cry out in pain and the guys are trying to get her off me. I whimper and she punches at me but misses. I see that Joe and a couple fans have pulled her off of me and have given her to security.

I smell Drakkar Noir and realize that Jeremy is with me. I get up and the fans help me up. I see Joe, Colby, and Dean waiting at the end of the aisle on the steps for me.The fans help me up and over to the guys. I get to Joe and he wraps his arms around me. Dean and Colby hug me too.

I am shaking and the guys squeeze tighter and I hug them back.Security has taken Alex away. I breathe a sigh of relief and we head down to the ring thankfully uninterrupted like that. The fans that we pass keep asking if I am okay and I tell them I am fine.

We get into the ring and Seth starts talking about how we aren't the Authority's lap dogs anymore and how we are going to take down the Authority. Dean starts acting nuts like he is supposed to and I stand next to Joe.

Joe suddenly turns me to him and kisses me. I'm surprised and kiss him back. He pulls away and smirks down at me. The fans cheer and we finish our segment. Joe is smirking at me and I smirk right back as we head back up through the fans to the back.

When we get into the back, Adam is right next to me with Elena in tow. They talk over each other and I put my hand up. They stop and shut up.

I say calmly,"I have a headache forming and don't need you two adding to it until the Advil starts working."

Elena pulls three liquid Advil out of her purse and hands them to me. I take them gratefully and swallow them with some water that Adam gives me from his water bottle. I look at them smiling and they smile back.

Elena asks,"Why didn't you use your wrestling moves on her?"

I reply grimly,"Because I don't want to end up fired or sued."

Elena asks,"How would you get fired?"

I answer,"By using my skills that I use in the ring on an outsider. An innocent."

Elena exclaims,"Innocent! That woman could have pushed you down the stairs! She could have killed you or seriously injured you! Yet you say she's innocent!"

I say quietly,"Enough Elena."

Elena scoffs,"No! She's not innocent. She attacked you! She attacked you. You had every right to use your skills on her."

I whirl around and have Elena pinned against the wall with my forearm on her throat. I glare at her and she looks at me with wide eyes.

I growl,"That was Alex Rousseau. It was Alex, Elena."

Elena asks,"What?"

She sees I'm not joking and exclaims,"No! She'd never attack you!"

I let her go and say,"Enough."

Elena pulls on my hand and asks,"Why would she attack you? What did you do?"

I exclaim annoyed,"I said enough!"

I toss her off my arm and walk quickly to Sandra who is waiting outside the bus. I walk up the bus steps with the guys and Sandra following. Elena comes in and doesn't look at me. I sigh and sit down on the couch. I rub my aching head and feel my eyes start to close.

I snap them open and get up slowly so I can do what Sandra needs me to do. She tells me to lay in bed and get some rest. We can do whatever is needed on the dress tomorrow. I go to my room and change into my oversized Sam and Dean shirt. I crawl under the covers and go to sleep.

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now