74- Hospitals, Ick!

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I wake up and see Dean, Seth, Nikki, Brie, Trinity, Jon, Ariane, Natalya, and Joe. I feel Joe's hand in mine and squeeze it. He looks up and I smile.

I ask,"What happened?"

Joe explains,"Eve pushed you off the ladder and you were unable to breathe. The doctor had them bring out an oxygen mask and tank. You got up but then fell. Triple H caught you and yelled at the doctor to have them bring a gurney."

Everything came back to me in a flash. I sit up and swing my legs over the bed. Everyone comes at me at once and I rip the tubes out of my arms, grab my clothes, and run to the bathroom. I lock the door and get dressed. I head to the door and open it. Everyone is standing there.

I say,"Move."

Joe says,"Not until you get back in that bed."

I say,"Over my dead body."

They come at me and I growl. I hate to use my moves on my friends at work but now outside of it. I take my bo-staff out of my boot and press the button so it can extend. I see them hesitate but then Dean comes at me. I knock him out and everyone comes at me. I feel bad because this is another thing I was trained in. I fight them all off and it's just me and Joe.

I say,"I didn't want to do this to you guys. I can't stand hospitals. I can't."

Joe replies,"Just get back in the bed and we can leave."

I snap,"I'm leaving now Joe. I'm not standing here another minute."

I knock him out as gently as I can and slip out of the room. I take my cellphone out and call Cameron. He pulls up in my Impala and I get in the driver's seat. I feel the tears flood my eyes but I hold them back. I hold them back until I get back to the arena. I jump out and scream my frustration out. I lock my car and head to find Randy. I see Josh and he comes to me and pulls me into a bear hug. I hug him back and the tears come full force.

He asks,"What's wrong girl?"

I say,"Everyone tried to keep me in the hospital when I was trying to leave and I had to fight them to get my way out. I didn't want to do it Josh. I didn't want to but they wouldn't let me leave. I can't stand hospitals. Ever since I woke up in the hospital after Eric beat me the first time and he was sitting there. I can't stay in hospitals. It's also where Cassidy died and where they took Jeremy after he died. They wouldn't let me take Jeremy home."

Josh says,"Shh. It's ok. Calm down."

I say,"They're all going to hate me."

Josh says,"No they won't."

I say,"The hospital wouldn't let me take Jeremy home Josh."

He says,"It's ok."

I'm back at the scene and I push Josh away and scream at him to let me take Jeremy home. Josh tells me to calm down. I push him and scream at him that he was too late. Jeremy's dead because of him not getting there on time.

Josh says,"Calm down Rosalie."

I sink to my knees and grip my hair as I repeat,"Jeremy's dead. It's my fault."

Author's POV

Josh looks down at Rosalie scared for her. She just yelled at him to give her Jeremy, her brother, so she can take him home. Now she's on the floor hugging her legs staring at nothing.

She keeps repeating,"Jeremy's dead. It's my fault."

Josh tells her to stay put and runs to get someone. He doesn't find anyone and heads back to Rosalie. He takes her phone and dials Ruby's number. She picks up on the first ring.

Josh says,"Rosalie just started crying in my arms and now she's hugging her legs, staring at nothing, and repeating Jeremy's dead. It's my fault. Over and over again."

Ruby: Craaaaap. She's had a breakdown. That's why she didn't want to stay in the hospital. I was going towards her to help her. Then she just knocked us all out.

Josh says,"She told me. That's why she was crying. She didn't want to do it."

Ruby: I'm on my way.

Josh asks,"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

Ruby: I don't know. Keep her safe that's for damn sure.

Josh says,"What but-."


Josh stares at the phone and looks down at Rosalie.

Josh asks,"What the hell am I gonna do with you now?"

He sighs and picks her up and carries her back to the Shield tour bus. He sets her on the bed and he closes the door. He lays down and pulls her over to him. He starts humming his entrance music and rubbing her back. About twenty minutes later, Ruby shows up with a stuffed wolf and cologne. She tosses the wolf to Josh and motions to Rosalie. He gives Rosalie the wolf and she holds on to it tightly. Ruby sings He Mele No Lilo. Rosalie sheds silent tears.

After a few minutes, she falls asleep. Ruby motions for Josh to leave the room. They leave and quietly shut the door. Joe and the others have returned. Ruby explains to them outside the bus why Rosalie freaked out at the hospital like that. Josh told them she was crying about what she did. They all realize that's why she wanted to leave and fought her way out. Ruby tells them what happened with Josh and how she fixed it. Joe goes to head inside and Ruby tells him she's asleep. Joe goes in and lays with her.

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