52- Nikki vs Hayley

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I see the cop standing in front of me. I see his lips moving but I don't hear him. I only hear the sound of Eric's body being crushed by the train. I only feel him pushing me out of the way. I don't know why he pushed me away and didn't hold me. I never wanted Eric dead. I just wanted him to leave me alone. I feel the cop touch my shoulder but I don't respond. I don't think I can. Memories of Eric and I together come back.

6 Years ago

Eric and I are laying on the football field looking up at the sky.

Eric asks, "What do you want to do when you graduate high school?"

I say, "I want to become a WWE Diva."

Eric smiles and says,"I want to become a pyro technician. I also want you to have your dreams come true."

I smile and say, "I will make them happen."

End of memory

I feel a tear slide down and move to wipe it away. My midsection is wrapped in gauze. I didn't need stitches, just bandages. I see them put his crushed body into a body bag. I slowly walk over and look into the bag and see him with his eyes closed. I recognized the Eric that pushed me away out of harm's way. That was my Eric. The one who wanted me to follow my dreams.

I hear footsteps running and turn around. Seth and Dean are sliding to a stop. They look at me and I take a couple steps before my legs give out. I collapse to the floor in sobs. Dean and Seth run to me.

I say through tears, "He pushed me away. He never wanted me to die. He never wanted to hurt me. Eric was my friend before he was corrupted. He was my friend before he died."

I dissolve into sobs and Dean and Seth wrap their arms around me and I cry. I cry for the friend I had. I cry for the friend I lost. I cry. Joe is talking to the cop. I stagger to a standing position and go to the cop. I tell him what happened. He takes it down and leaves. I see them take the body bag away and head to catering. I sit down in one of the chairs and stare straight ahead. Bray Wyatt strolls in and sees me. He smiles and walks over to me.

I say, "Now's not a good time Wyatt."

Bray says, "Oh. I think now's a perfectly good time to torture you some more."

I say, "I am not in the mood."

Bray grabs me by the chin and gets in my face. I jerk out of his grasp and he grabs me by my neck. He puts me against the wall and I glare at him. He starts laughing and closes his hand around my neck.

He says, "Don't you get it. I'm going to torture you as long as Eric wants."

I punch him in the face and he lets go.

I say,"You never knew the Eric I knew."

Bray says,"I knew the Eric before during and after you sweetheart."

I slap him and he grabs my wrist and starts to squeeze it. I cry out in pain and slam my heel on his foot. He lets go and I do a European uppercut. He falls back and I walk past him.

I stop and say quietly over my shoulder, "Eric is dead."

I walk out of catering and head to my bus. I call Eric's mother. She knew what her son was like. But she also knew that he was good beneath the corruptness. She and I stayed in touch. I tell her the news and she breaks down crying over the phone. I steady my voice and suck my emotions in and bury them. I tell her that he is in a better place. That he was good at the end. She says that she needs to plan the memorial and funeral. I tell her to call me if she needs anything and she hangs up. I bury my emotions deep inside me and take a deep breath. I open my eyes and get up. I change into a different set of ring gear and head out of the bus.

I see Stephanie and tell her for just tonight, I want my whole face painted like a wolf's. She agrees and gets a painter over to the arena and I sit down for my new face. It's an hour till the show and a crowd has gathered. I feel the painter tell me to open my eyes and pucker my lips. I do and he puts some black lipstick on my lips. He even had the hair stylist make my hair look like a wolf's mane. I look in the mirror and see my reflection is the reflection of a wolf. I see the strokes of silver, white, and black face paint change into fur.

I close my eyes and get up. I turn to everyone and open my eyes. Everyone gasps and I walk towards the gorilla. Stephanie is there and I ask her who I'm going up against tonight. She tells me that I am going against Nikki. I nod and she hugs me. I hug her back and I head to the Shield's locker room.

I open it and see Dean, Colby, and Joe getting their SWAT gear on. I sneak up on them and quietly grab a stool and stand on top. I place my head above theirs in the mirror. Their eyes widen and Dean screams. He backs up and knocks over the stool. I quickly jump off and flip off. I land in a crouch and they turn around. I smile and they all breathe in relief. I burst into a fit of giggles and point at Dean. He glares at me and I gasp in pain as my wound stretches.

I get up and Joe says,"I didn't recognize everything else. I recognized your eyes though."

I smile and he goes to kiss me but I back away as I say, "Unless you want black lipstick on you."

He nods and I say, "I told Eric once that if anyone died I would paint my face like a wolf for that night and honor them."

Joe says,"I understand. Eric wasn't always evil. I believe you when you say you two used to be friends."

I smile and NXT has started. I take a pic of my wolf face and head to the gorilla and see Nikki waiting. I hug her and tell her to go easy on my midsection. No abdominal stretches. She nods and Joe comes to the gorilla and tells me that him and the guys are going to head down during my match. I nod and he heads to where the guys are. Sarona comes with my title. I raise my arms so she can put it on me. My whole exposed midsection is wrapped in gauze.

Nikki's music goes off and she hugs me and goes out. I wait until the gorilla cues me. I head out and have my head down. I bring my head up and the crowd goes wild. I howl exactly like a wolf. I run down the ramp into the ring. Nikki and I lock up when the bell rings. I toss her into the corner. She comes at me and I drop down and roll to my back. I hear JBL asking Jerry why I'm all bandaged up. I see Nikki fly out of the ring.

I'm about to do a reverse moonsault when, "Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta...SHIELD."

I do the reverse moonsault and get up. I look towards the crowd and see Roman, Dean, and Seth coming down. I turn back to Nikki and groan as I lift my leg as she runs towards me. She has just enough time to block it and fall. I lean back and gasp as I look down. I see blood seeping through a tiny bit. I see The Shield doing commentary. Roman is explaining how I was injured. Dean and Seth are keeping an eye on me.

I pull Nikki up and say quietly,"Nikki you need to let me pin you. I'm starting to bleed through the gauze."

She says,"Ok."

I run her into the pole and throw her into the steel steps. I roll her into the ring and pin her. The ref counts three and I raise my title above my head. The crowd cheers and I put the title around my waist to hide the blood forming. Roman, Dean, and Seth come in the ring. Roman hugs me and I tell him we need to go to the trainer's room. He nods and Seth and Dean flank me while Joe walks behind.

We get to the trainer's room and he rewraps me and tells me no wrestling for a week. I sigh and comply. Joe, Seth, and Dean come with me back to the bus. I smile and we sit down. Well Joe lays me down. I groan and he puts on Thor.



Well there's something new. the link is the paint.


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