47- Divas Title Match

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I run down the ramp with Natalya and motion to them to give me a Mic. They do and the music cuts off. I smile as everyone stars howling.

I say, "Thank you. Thank you. But I have some very exciting news for you all."

Everyone becomes silent. I take Natalya's hand and she squeezes it reassuringly.

I say, "I found out that this bad ass chick is my sister. That's right. I'm a Hart."

Everyone is silent and I say, "I would actually like to take the Hart name if my sister is ok with that."

I look at her and I see tears in her eyes. She nods and I drop the Mica and wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back and Eve's music starts. She comes out with a Mic.

She says, "Awww how touching."

I step away from Nattie and Eve walks down to the ring and says,"I think that no one cares."

The crowd boos her and I wait till she's close to the ring. I run, flip onto the top rope, flip off and kick her in the gut. She flies back and I land on my stomach. I lay there gasping for air and feel hands on me. They flip me over and I look up and see Nattie looking down at me. I smile and she smiles back.

I say, "Shut her up."

Nattie laughs and helps me up. I grab Eve and toss her into the ring. I climb in and a ref comes out and we begin the match for the Divas Title. I knock Eve down with a missile drop kick and put her in the abdominal stretch. She's screaming no at the ref when Fandango's music goes off. I don't pay attention and just keep at the submission move. He has a Mic and I groan.

He says, "Haaayleeeeey. Let her go and come with me."

I keep at the abdominal stretch. Eve finally taps and I am surprised. I'm the new Divas champion. I hear someone come into the ring. I turn and see Fandango. He is smirking. I hold my title up and howl. The crowd howls with me and he walks towards me. I motion for a Mic and get one.

I say, "I have just one thing to say to you Fandango."

Fandango says, "Go ahead."

I tell him and everyone to be quiet. The Shield is in the ring behind Fandango.

I smirk and reply, "Turn around."

He does and gets a European uppercut. I smile and the crowd cheers. They triple power bomb Fandango and get on my knees next to him.

I say, "I think I will be going with the Hounds of Justice. I would choose them over you any day Fandango. So I suggest that you move on twinkle toes."

I drop the Mic and next thing I know Eve has side tackled me and is on top of me. I feel her punch me splitting my lip. I groan in frustration and kick her off me. She gets up and I nip up. The crowd cheers. The Shield is standing looking confused. I start circling Eve and she circles me.

She screams at me, "I'm the Divas champion!"

I say, "Not anymore."

She lunges at me and I reverse using her momentum to toss her out of the ring by the announcers. She has barely enough time to stand as I fly out of the ring and do a cross body. I pick her up and look at Roman asking him if I can do the Samoan drop. He smiles and nods. I Samoan drop Eve into the announce table. The table collapses under Eve and I groan and get up. I feel blood dripping down my chin and get handed a towel. I wipe it off and grab my title. I taste blood. *sigh* Can I ever not have a split lip? I start to climb into the ring when I get kicked in the shoulder. I turn and deck Eve. She lies on the ground unconscious.

Roman comes over and gets out of the ring. He lifts me up and lays me on the mat. Dean and Seth pull me out from under the ropes. They help me stand and Roman gets in the ring. Dean and Seth pick me up on their shoulders and I raise my title high. I have been holding the blood that's pooled in my mouth. They set me down and I grab the towel and spit into it. A big blood spot is in the towel and I ball it up. We leave to the back and I head to the doctor. The doctor says that I need stitches in my lip. I nod and tell Joe to wait outside. He nods and the doc gets to work on my stitches for my lip. Once the doctor is done stitching, I get up and leave the room.

Joe wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. I realize that I just won my first title shot. I break away and do backflips landing in the splits. Joe smiles and hands me the title and picks me up. I laugh and he sets me down.

I say, "I can't believe I'm the new Divas champion."

Joe says,"I am so proud of you. You earned it."

I smile and we head to the bus. I hide my title under our pillows and we take our showers and head to bed. I look at Joe and he smiles.

I say, "I don't know if this is mean but I think you look hot with your hair wet. Don't get me wrong. I love it when it is dry cause it's beautiful but I've just seen you with wet hair mostly."

He laughs softly and says, "That's a compliment. Thank you. I love you with your hair wet or dry. I actually just love you period."

I kiss him and we go to sleep.



Rosalie won the title. Yaaaay! What do y'all think is going to happen?

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