28- Wedding Nightmare

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Trin says, "Rosalie girl, you know Ruby is going to be targeted right? It's not safe for her."

Joe and I sit up and I say, "Trin I know. I just need to keep an eye on her. The Hell Cats now are not the ones I led. The Hell Cats I led are the ones that were peaceful. We were basically the hippie group."

Joe nods and says, "I believe you. You don't look like someone who would kill someone."

I smile and say, "I will. If you threaten the ones I love. If you kill someone I love you will be hunted down."

Joe smiles and says, "I should be saying that."

Jon says, "I just don't want y'all to get hurt. I love you both."

I say, "Jon I-."

He says, "Let me finish."

I nod and he says, "Joe you need to stay with Rosalie no matter what. She makes you happy. I want you to be happy. You're happier with Rosalie than you ever were with Jessie. Rosalie you make my cousin happy. But he makes you happy as well. You need to stick together no matter what. Your love is the only love that comes once in a lifetime. I don't want you two to be separated. Y'all mean a lot to me."

I say, "I don't want to have any of you hurt. I love you all too much. Joe, you mean the world to me and I don't think anyone could ever even change that if they tried. I love you with all my heart. You are the only one for me. I'm not going to let you go. I love Joe Anoa'i. I love you with all my being. Trin you're like a sister to me. I don't ever want to lose you. Jon you're like the crazy brother that I always wanted. When I marry Joe, it will be the best day of my life. I love you Joe. I love my sister Trinity and I love my brother Jon. I couldn't ask for a better family."

I hug Jon and Trin and they hug Joe. We talk for an hour and Joe pulls me onto his lap. I smile at him as I press my lips against his and he kisses me back. I smile and pull away. He presses his lips against mine for another kiss. I smile and he deepens the kiss. We hear the door open and close. I pull Joe's shirt over his head and he wraps his arms around me protectively. I feel my way up his arms and to his face. I run one hand through his hair while my other hand has cupped his cheek slightly. I smile as he goes to the light switch and turns it off. I kiss him one more time and he smiles.

I say, "Goodnight, mo aingeal Samóis, My Samoan angel. I love you."

Joe says, "I love you too. Goodnight my angel."

He pulls me closer to him and I lay my hands on his bare chest. He has his arms wrapped around me and I lay my head against his chest as I slowly fall asleep to his heartbeat.

I'm dreaming of my wedding. I see beautiful hibiscus flowers everywhere and I'm wearing the wedding dress that I have envisioned I would wear. I walk down the aisle with my father and see Roman there waiting. I smile and he is trying to discreetly wipe his eyes. Jon, Josh, Tyler, and his friends and a few of my own are wiping their eyes behind him. I feel tears of my own as I see my sister, Trinity, Tamina, my new friends and my old ones wiping their eyes. I hug my father tightly and he is crying. He hands me over to Joe and I smile at Joe as he lifts the veil.

He puts the ring on my finger and I do the same to him. We say our vows and the priest announces us as Mr. and Mrs. Anoa'i. We kiss and then the sky darkens. I see Eric and he's killed everyone but Joe and I. I am crying as I see the lifeless eyes of my friends and family staring up at us. Joe goes and tackles Eric and they roll over towards the edge of the cliff. I cry out Joe's name and run towards him.

They fall over the edge and I shoot up in bed screaming Joe's name. I don't see Joe next to me and pull my legs up to my chest and cry as I rock back and forth. I cry harder as I remember Joe falling over the edge fighting Eric. I run my hands through my hair and I hear the bathroom door open. Joe is standing there ready to fight. I get up and jump into his arms and cry harder than before. He holds me and lets me cry. It soon slows and stops all together and I pull back and he lets me go and I go and wipe my nose and eyes.

Joe asks, "Why were you crying? Why did you scream my name?"

I say, "I had a bad dream. A very vivid, detailed bad dream."

He asks, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I say, "We were getting married. We had just been announced as Mr. and Mrs. Anoa'i."

Joe asks, "How is that a bad dream?"

I say, "That part wasn't. What happened next was."

He asks, "What happened?"

I say, "Eric came out of nowhere and killed everyone. You tackled him and you both wrestled each other to the edge of the cliff and then fell over. I screamed your name because I was scared. Then I started crying when I woke up and didn't see you there."

He pulls me to him and says, "I will never leave you."

I hold onto him and he says, "I will be right back. I'm going to get the Twix and Kit Kats."

I let him go and he goes to get the chocolate. He comes back a few seconds later and I take the Twix he offers me and nibble on it. He lays my head on his lap and strokes my hair. I feel better having him there next to me and can see him. He hums and I smile. Soon I'm looking at him and his lips are on mine. I smile into the kiss. It's not a rough kiss. It's a passionate, gentle kiss. I sit up and he deepens the kiss. I pull away and he looks at me with so much love that I know what I feel he feels too. I lay my forehead against his and we stay like that for a while. After Joe lays down and I'm laying on top of him and he strokes my back as we fall asleep.

Before I finally fall asleep I see my phone light up saying I have a text. I flip my phone over and ignore it until the morning and finally fall asleep.



Wow what a weird dream. What do you all think the wedding dress will look like? What will her wedding look like?

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