56- Hayley vs AJ Lee

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I wake up and realize that I can wrestle again. The doctor bandaged Joe's nose back up after the promo yesterday and he won't be walking me down there or be out there. Dean and Seth are going to be walking down the ramp on either side of me tonight. I give Joe a careful kiss on his cheek as I get ready for the day. He will be watching my match on TV with Christian, Sheamus, Big E, Adam Rose, TJ and Nattie.

He says quiet and serious, "Be careful. Bray could sneak in and/or have Luke Harper and Erick Rowan attack you."

I smirk and say, "I think you will be surprised what will happen if that even happens."

He smiles and i say," You be careful. If i come back and you're dead, forced into unconsciousness, or anything that isn't asleep or awake, i will personally drive you nuts if you aren't dead."

He smiles and says,"I love you. Be careful. Come back to me."

I say,"You still owe me a wedding Anoa'i. I'm comin back."

Joe chuckles and i give him a careful kiss because of his nose. I turn and leave the bus. Dean and Seth are outside waiting. I see Tyler and grab him by the lapels of his shirt and push him against the bus.

I threaten, "I swear to god Tyler, if i come back and Joe is harmed, i will put you through hell."

Tyler nods and says, "Don't worry Rose. I will protect him with my life."

I say,"You better. Or you're going to wish you had."

Tyler says, "Go on. You have fans waiting. He'll be here when you get back."

I hug Tyler and Seth, Dean, and I head towards the gorilla and catering. Dean runs into catering and grabs three water bottles. We head to the gorilla as we drink our water. i pull out a stick of gum and pop it in and start chewing. Sandra comes running over and i stop her.

I say,"Ms. Sandra you shouldn't be running around. You could get hurt."

She says,"I had to get this to you."

I ask, "What?"

She holds out a piece of leather. I take it and see that it is a cool black leather vest hoodie with a flaming skull of a hound on the back. I stare in awe and she looks at me questioningly.

I say,"Ms. Sandra I love it. You outdid yourself again."

She smiles and hugs me.

She asks, "Don't forget I need you to come by so you can see the sketches of your wedding dress."

I nod and put the vest hoodie with our phones. i tell Sandra I'm going to wear it out to the match between Erick Rowan, Luke Harper, Seth, and Dean. Dean and Colby tell me to lean back. Next thing i know, my hair becomes wet. I thank god for waterproof makeup. They squeeze my hair out some and i straighten and i send a quick txt to Joe asking him if it was ok to use the Superman Punch. He got back to me saying that he was cool with it. I smile and we start heading out down the ramp since AJ and I were kicking off RAW. The crowd goes wild and AJ comes out with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. I'm sitting on the top rope with Dean and Seth on either side of me. They are talking about getting In- N- Out after tonight. I smile and AJ gets a mic.

AJ asks snottily, "Where's Roman, Hayley?"

I get a Mic and say, "None of your business crazy."

AJ mouths a quick sorry for what she is about to say.

She says, "That's a shame. I was going to change his mind about going out with a weirdo like you."

This cracks me up. I start laughing and look out to the crowd.

I turn back to her and state, "Roman wouldn't choose a crazy, little, psycho girl. He would rather lose his arm."

AJ snaps, "I can't believe it. You're the reason Punk and i broke up. If it wasn't for you, Punk and I would still be together. You had to come out here with your tomboy moves and everything. I bet you Roman is tired of kissing a man. I bet you he is making out with your sister Natalya."

I turn as I'm laughing. Then i throw the Mic in AJ 's face. I spear her and she groans as she hits the mat. I pull her up by her hair and smack her. She starts smacking me and i scream and slap her. She screams in surprise. I run and clothesline her over the ropes. Luke Harper gets in the ring and i see Seth and Dean getting at Erick Rowan. I get on the top rope and look at Erick. He comes at me and I fly spear him down. i groan as my shoulder collides with his abdomen. He gets up and I get him up on my shoulders. I'm kind of shaking and the crowd has gone silent. I run and fall back. I groan and hear someone coming into the ring. I nip up and see that it is Seth. The crowd starts chanting: This is awesome."

I see a look of amazement on Seth and Dean's faces. I laugh and see AJ about to grab Seth. I fall back into the ropes and use them to propel me forward. I spear her through the ropes and we hit the mat near the ramp. I feel the air get knocked out of me as we land. I gasp for air and Seth and Dean come and get me up. I fling back my hair and hear it slap against my back. The crowd has gone wild. I smile and Dean, Seth, and I head backstage.



Here ya go.

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