22- John's House

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I feel the bus slow down and we get up. I see we have stopped in front of a giant mansion. I get off and so does Joe. I look up the steps and see John. I break away from Joe and run to my brother from another mother. And father. I jump into his arms and he wraps his arms around me.

I shakily say, "He was right there John. He was right there."

John soothes, "I know. Shh. I know. You're safe."

I hold onto him and he holds me tight. I feel tears slipping down my face and I take in a shaky breath. John runs my back and I cry. John tells everyone to go inside and they do. He slowly lowers to the ground and I sit and just cry as he holds me. John just sits and lets me cry.

I says,"I saw him with my cousin. She kissed him."

John says, "I don't know your cousin, but I don't think she knows who he is."

I reply, "I think my mother told her about him."

He shrugs and I ask, "Why? Why him?"

John answers, "Because women like danger."

I ask, "Then why is Nikki with you?"

He looks at me and we bust up laughing. My phone goes off and we stop. I take it out and see that it is Ruby. I pick up and instantly hold the phone away from my ear.

I say, "Hey."

Ruby: Where the hell did you go last night?

I answer, "We left because we had to head back to the arena to go to our next stop."

Ruby: Where's that?

I hear her giggle and say, "Eric stop it. I'm on the phone."

I clear my throat and reply, "Can't tell you where we are at. Break up with your boyfriend. Bye."

I hang up and burst into tears again. But not of sadness. Of anger. I scream in frustration. John jumps and I grab my phone and put my headphones on. I put Guilty till I'm 21 from Cry Baby. I downloaded the movie clip and start doing the same thing he does with the screaming. John has stood up and I start singing. Johnny Depp and I sing in sync. When we finish, I collapse to my knees and I hear several pairs of footsteps coming to me. I hold my hand up for them to stop and the feet become silent. I get up and breathe. I see Trinity, Jon, JC, and Joe standing a few feet away. I see Nikki walking behind them.

I says,"I am fine. Just exhausted."

John says, "I bet. I mean a performance like that looks tiring."

I says,"I had a lot of emotions to let out."

Trinity says, "Guess so."

I look at John and ask, "Did you get the movie I sent you?"

John asks, "Cry-Baby?"

I nod and he smiles. I cheer and run into the house. I forgot I was wearing socks and try to stop but slide right into the living room and slam into the couch. I flip over the couch into a sitting position and try to breathe. John comes in with laughter behind him.

I say out of breath, "I know now not to wear socks in your house now."

He laughs and I toss a pillow at him. He catches it and puts it back.

I say, "Put on Cry-Baby."

He says,"I. ok. I'm putting it on."

I cheer in excitement and I lay on the floor in front of the TV. I look behind me to see Joe, Jon, and Trin sitting waiting. I see John put the DVD in and hug his legs. He chuckles and Nikki pulls him into the kitchen. I smile and watch the movie. I see John come back in and sit down. He watches the rest of the movie and I get up when one of my other fave songs come on. It's the song Please Mr. Jailer. I love this song and know it by heart. I go to Joe and he stands up. I start to sing the song and he smirks. John goes up behind Joe and grabs his wrists. I sing the song until Johnny Depp starts singing. I see Trinity and Jon up and dancing. I see that John has left and I do the same moves Allison does. I hear Johnny Depp do the whole purr-growl thing and turn around to face Joe. He is staring down at me and his eyes have turned bluer. I feel my eyes widen but keep singing until they break the glass. Joe steps towards me and captures my lips with his. I feel his hair fall down covering us. I smile and he starts to deepen the kiss but I pull away.

I say, "Cry-Baby I-I've never done a French kiss before."

Joe smiles and says, "Oh well it's easy Allison. I'll show ya."

Joe captures my lips and he pulls me flush against him and I gasp. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts me off my feet and doesn't break the kiss. The kiss isn't gentle it's passionate and slightly rough. But I don't mind. He pulls away and we're breathing hard. He looks down at my lips and smiles.

I am confused and ask, "What?"

Joe carries me into the downstairs bathroom and I look in the mirror and see my lips are slightly puffy from the kiss. I blush and Joe wraps his arms around my waist and we walk out of the bathroom. John comes out of somewhere and shows us to our rooms. I hug him and thank him for taking us in. He says that he will always be there for me. Even though we aren't related. I kiss his cheek and tell him goodnight. Joe and I get into the bed and go to sleep.

I feel something pressing on my abdomen. I wake up and see Nikki above me.

Nikki says, "John's mine."

She punches me before I can block it. I buck to the side and she loses balance and falls off breaking her hold around my abdomen. I don't see Joe and run to the door and open it.

I scream, "JOE! JOHN! HEL-!!"

Nikki grabs me around the waist and tosses me on the ground. Thankfully it is MAJOR shag carpet. But I do know how to fall without getting hurt. She is on top of me punching and scratching me. I see John and Trinity trying to get her off of me. Jon comes in with Joe right behind him. He helps John and Trin get her off me. Joe comes to my side and I check to see if I'm bleeding. I see John take her out of the room. I look at Trinity, Joe, and Jon. They are surprised and I hear police. I get up but feel lightheaded and collapse. Joe and Jon catch me and carry me to the bed.



Cry-Baby is one of my favorites because of ah Mr. Johnny Depp. Wow what got into Nikki?

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