32- Las Vegas

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I wake up from a kiss and my eyes open to Joe looking down at me. He smiles when he sees I'm awake.

He says,"Ach. So the legend is true."

I ask, "What legend?"

Joe says, "That Sleeping Beauty will awaken by true love's kiss."

I blush and he smiles. I get up and grab a silver velour skirt that stops mid-thigh, a Shield shirt that I cut into a crop top. I get my black boots with spikes around the ankle and head in to take a shower. When I get out, I head into the bedroom and see Joe laying on the bed. I smile and get dressed with my back turned to him.

When I'm dressed, I put my hair into a high ponytail. Then I do my eye makeup and I finish with some red lip stain and a swipe of clear lip gloss. I grab my dangling skull earrings and my black leather fingerless gloves with spikes on them. I grab my spike choker and put it on. I also grab a bright blue nose ring to switch with the black one I had in. I grab my chains and clip them to my belt loops.

I put all my jewelry on and turn to Joe. I smile when his eyes widen. We head out of the bedroom and see that we have arrived at the arena in Las Vegas. I step off the bus and see Dean and Seth with Ruby and Amaya. I walk over to them and my cousin groans in annoyance.

I raise an eyebrow at her questioningly and she says, "Ugggh. Not this phase again."

I say, "I am perfectly fine Ruby. I am not going into my Emo phase. I'm only going for the look. Granted I think this is punk rock."

She rolls her eyes and Seth says,"I think that you look like yourself. Just more edgy."

I smile and Dean says,"Damn you're looking hot little sister."

I smile at Dean and say, "I'm not your type Dean. Plus I am taken."

He smiles and says,"I know. But still you look hot."

I say, "Thanks."

I turn to Joe and I walk up to him and his eyes follow me. I smile and he leans down and I press my lips against his. He goes and pins me against the bus.

He say,"You are not helping with the wait looking like this."

I look in his eyes and smile as I say, "I know. That's the point."

I press my lips against his and nip his bottom lip lightly. He moans softly and I pull away. I smile and duck under his arm and go to find my sister, Natalya. I hear the guys making fun of Joe and laugh as I walk deeper into the arena.

I find Natalya and TJ by the catering room. TJ's eyes widen and Nattie turns her head.

She say,"Hey sis."

I say,"Hey sis."

We smile and I say,"TJ close your mouth sweetheart. You'll catch flies."

Natalya laughs and pushes his jaw up.

I say, "I think I just made a mistake with Joe by wearing this and teasing him."

She says,"I think you might want to run."

I turn and see Joe coming after me. I smile and turn back to Nattie.

I say, "I would love to stay but I've gotta run."

She and TJ laugh as they wave goodbye to me. I run into the corridors. I find Punk's locker room and knock on the door. He opens it up and lets me in. He locks the door and I smile. He stares at me and I bring his eyes up to mine.

I say, "Sweetheart you have a girlfriend. I have my wonderful fiancé."

He say," Sorry. It's a guy thing."

I smile and hear Joe coming down the hallway. I burst through the door and he stops. I wink and turn and fly down the hallway. I hear Joe coming after me. I turn a corner and it's dark and a dead end.

I say,"Crap."

I turn and Joe is there. He walks to me and I see his hair is wet. I jump and he catches me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he presses me against the wall and captures my lips with his. I gasp as Joe bites my bottom lip gently. My chest brushes his and he growls. I shiver and he trails his lips down my neck leaving a trail of flames. He sucks lightly on my neck and I moan softly. He smiles against my skin and I feel his hands grip my thighs. I feel his mouth trail to my chest. He kisses the skin above my heart and brings his lips back to mine.

I run my hands through his hair he tugs my hair so he has access to my neck. He presses a kiss in the middle of my neck and I shiver. He captures my lips again and deepens the kiss. I jump down and lift his shirt up. I press my lips above his heart and he pins me against the wall with his body and kisses me. Joe slides his tongue across my bottom lip and I open giving him access. He slides his tongue inside and we moan. I cup his cheek slightly and he pulls my lower body against him.

We pull away and we're panting. He leans his forehead against mine and we look in each other's eyes. He smiles and I blush and smile. He gives me a few more quick kisses and then leans down so he's by my ear.

He whispers, "Do that again and I might not be able to stop myself. What I see is beautiful but I haven't seen all of you."

I shiver and say, "I think I might do this again. Especially if the make out is that good."

He looks at me and I see that his eyes have darkened with desire. I smile and walk past him. He grabs my ass and I cry out in surprise. I turn and look at him and he winks. I look at his lips and look back in his eyes. I back away slowly but he is in front of me and I give in and press my lips against his for a very passionate and gentle kiss. We pull away panting. I smile and he smiles back.

He says,"I can't wait to be married to you."

I say, "I think I need to go dress shopping soon."

He says,"I think Nattie, Amaya, Brie, Trinity, Ariane, Ruby, and Rosalie should go with you. I will tell Dean and Seth to go with you girls."

I say, "I think that will be fun. I guess."

He chuckles and I say, "I love you Joe Anoa'i."

Joe says,"I love you Rosalie Salvatore. Soon to be Rosalie Anoa'i."

I smile and we go to Punk's locker room and open it. We stop as we see Seth and Ruby kissing. Joe silently covers my mouth with his hand and we back out slowly and close the door. I look at Joe while his hand is still covering my mouth. We walk like that till we turn the corner.

I lick his hand and he exclaims, "Ewww. I was going to remove my hand in a second."

I smile and ask, "What did I just see?"

He says,"I think you and your cousin have something to talk about later while Dean and I are talking to Seth."

I nod and we smile as we see Dean and Amaya kissing. I see Randy and run to him. I ask him if he would adopt Amaya. He says he would love to since she's made an impression on everyone. I smile and hug him. He laughs softly and hugs me back. I walk to the bus and Joe is with me. We sit and watch Arrow.



Wow. wow. well they're in Las Vegas everyone. Oooohie. Wow Seth and Ruby. I need ship names. Dean and Amaya. Ship names.

Book 1: Pulling on The Reigns of Love (Roman Reigns/Joe Anoa'i Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now