4. Vibrant - Resonant; bright.

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Tyler walked down the long, dusty road leading from his house down to the end of the property. Thankfully he had remembered to bring a flashlight from the house, so it wasn't as spooky as it could have been.

The dry grass that had sprung up here and there on the road tickled Tyler's feet as he walked. Some small bits here and there became lodged in the fluff of his slippers, but he didn't mind.

He felt strange being up so late. Actually, Tyler thought, am I up late, or early? He pondered this as he walked.

Whenever the noise came up again, all of the sounds of creatures seemed to stop. The crickets paused their chirping, the frogs ceased their croaking, even the faint night breeze seemed to stop for the warped sound.

As soon as it stopped again, everything would go back to as it had been before: the cacophony of nature would begin once more.

The closer Tyler got to the trees, the louder and more vibrant the sound became. Well, maybe vibrant wasn't the right word. Tyler's mind wandered again, trying to think of a better one.

Tyler loved words. He had a small but knowledgeable 1934 Webster's dictionary at home that he got at a yard sale. He loved learning new words, and he had read one page every day since he was ten, underlining and memorizing the words he liked.

Before too long, he had arrived at the edge of the wood. The faint breeze blew through the tops of the tall trees. It was soft, but somehow powerful, like the breaths of a sleeping giant.

Now was his last chance to turn back.

Tyler took a deep breath, and headed into the trees.

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