9. Vivid - Lifelike, realistic.

900 57 11

Tyler slowly opened his eyes, which were sticky with sleep. Sunshine was coming in through the window, filling the room with soft light.

So it had been a dream after all. Tyler feels relief cascade over him. Of course! Everybody dreams from time to time, it's certainly not unusual. Tyler himself was no stranger to dreams, either. He'd had more than enough of his share in his lifetime.

The only difference with this dream was how it felt. It all seemed so...vivid.

Tyler pushed the thought out of his head, and sat up. Aliens don't exist, he thought to himself, getting out of bed. 

There was grass in his slippers.

Okay, so maybe last night had been real.

But if it had really happened, how did he get here? The last thing he remembered was Josh touching his face...

Before Tyler could delve any further into his thoughts of the event, the door to the bedroom opened. Tyler's youngest sibling, Jay, entered the room with the family cat in his arms.

Tyler had three siblings: Zach, who was fifteen, Madison, who was thirteen, and Jay, who was ten. Though he knew many teenagers hated to share their rooms with their siblings, Tyler didn't mind sharing his with Jay. The boy looked up to Tyler, and so Tyler tried to do his best to set a good example for him.

"Morning, Ty!" Jay carried the cat over to Tyler. The cat, Josie, was black, with a white muzzle and feet. Jay was holding her the wrong way, and Josie was clearly annoyed, though Jay seemed oblivious.

"Good morning, Jay," Tyler greeted. Jay put the cat in Tyler's arms, and Tyler stroked her head before letting her go. With an annoyed flick of her ears, Josie hopped off his lap and stalked off.

Jay stood in front of Tyler. He looked quite a bit like his brother, though his eyes were lighter, and his hair was curlier. 

As if confused, Jay cocked his head to one side slightly. "What happened to your face?"


A/N: Does that count as a cliffhanger? xD

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