29. Violet - A color like that of the violet flower.

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Tyler woke up at four in the morning, sore all over.

His head felt a little foggy, as if somehow his brain had gotten bruised, too. HIs whole body ached, the kind of ache that you usually get with the flu; so terribly sore that all you can do is lay there and hope it goes away soon.

But Tyler couldn't. Well, he could, but there was something he had to do first. He had to see for himself how bad it was.

Tyler slowly sat up in bed. The ache was terrible, especially in his shoulders when he moved them. Gritting his teeth a little to avoid crying out, he managed to get out of bed, put on his slippers, and slowly make his way out into the hallway.

Slowly edging his way into the bathroom, Tyler closed the door behind him and flicked on the light. Its harsh, yellow glow made his eyes hurt, and he blinked them a few times until they adjusted.

He definitely had some bruising on his shoulders; the watercolor  violet skin peeked out from underneath his t-shirt. There were bruises all along his arms, hands, and fingers, the same color throughout. Josh had been so, so gentle, but it hadn't mattered. Tyler was still purple all over.

The most notable bruises, however, were those on his face: his cheeks were violet where Josh had held them; his nose was violet where Josh's own nose had brushed against it; his cheekbones were violet where Josh had brushed his thumbs over them; and, most noticaeably, his lips, which were a dark, almost unhappy purple.

The inside of his mouth was sore, too. Can the inside of your mouth even bruise? Tyler wondered. If it were possible, then Josh had likely done it.

Tyler turned off the light and carefully took his bruised body back to bed.

It had been completely, wholly worth it.

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