38. Illuminated - Lit up; clarified.

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As far as Tyler knew, Josh had never experienced rain, and this worried him. Tyler had never mentioned rain to him before, so Josh could easily have been scared to death. The thunder and lightning, too, must have been scary for the alien boy.

Tyler also worried about getting out there to see Josh that night. The path to the forest was pretty open, and he really didn't want to get struck by lightning. The storm only seemed to be getting worse.

Entering his room, Tyler paused to think. He was sure he had a flashlight somewhere. He walked to the nightstand near his bed; maybe there was one in there. He set the candle on the desk and went to work.

After a bit of digging around, Tyler was rewarded with a plastic green and black flashlight, which fit perfectly in his palm. Setting it on the nightstand, he continued to sort through the junk, hoping to find more.

Suddenly, there was a banging noise against the window, as if something had crashed into it.

Tyler practically leapt a foot into the air. He scrambled to grab the flashlight from the tabletop, and he flicked it on, pointing it at the window.

Josh's pale, wide-eyed face was illuminated by the white glow of the flashlight.

A/N: eeeeeeeeeeeeeecliffhangereeeeeeeeeeeeee

Also I have a lot of chapters for this book stored up so yeet

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