23. Transmit - To send from one place or person to another.

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Josh was standing on the ground and looking up at the antennae, which was glowing faintly. He looked up as Tyler entered the clearing, alert, then smiled with relief. "Hey, Tyler."

"Hello." Tyler was relieved too, at seeing that all was well. "I never did ask the first night. What's up with the antennae?"

"You mean this thing?" Josh pointed to the antennae, and Tyler nodded. "It's transmitting signals out to space. I'm trying to contact my family."

Tyler gazed up at the device with new awe. "That's really cool...how does it work?"

Josh laughed. "I couldn't even tell you, I don't know. I do know how to control it, though. Want me to show you?"

"Sure." Tyler felt drawn in by curiosity, and he put down the granola bars, water, pen, and notebook he'd brought with him, heading over to Josh and leaning his head over the alien's shoulder.

Josh was holding the clear box Tyler had seen him with on the first night; it seemed to be a remote control of some sort. "This button turns it on," Josh said, pointing to a small blue button.

"When I press this pink one, it records my message." Josh pressed the button and spoke into the box. It was a strange tongue, something Tyler didn't understand. Likely Josh's native language.

Then Josh pushed a yellow button. "And this one transmits it out into space for my family. If they're out there, they should be able to hear it."

"That's really cool," Tyler breathed. His chin was almost resting on Josh's shoulder.

Josh laughed, and Tyler, startled, stepped back, having forgotten about the brusing issue. Thankfully, he hadn't touched Josh, and he was unharmed.

For now.

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