14. Interrogate - To question.

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Around eleven, the light in the kitchen, which cast its faint glow under Tyler's bedroom door, went out. He wanted to leave right then and there, but he tried to be patient.

By midnight, he had deemed it secure enough to leave the house, and besides that, he couldn't wait any longer.

He laid there for a moment, listening in the silence of the new day. Once he heard the soft snores of Jay from the top bunk, he slowly sat up and carefully slipped his feet into his slippers, which were waiting for him at the side of his bed. He stood very slowly, hearing the faint creak of the wooden floor.

Tyler made his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and sneaking through the house. Was there anything he needed before he left? He had his flashlight...maybe something to eat? Josh might be hungry.

If he was real, anyway.

Tyler looked at the fruit bowl, but all that was in it was bananas. Avoiding the yellow fruit, Tyler grabbed a granola bar that was lying on the counter instead, and headed out.

It wasn't as cool as last night, but it was still a bit chilly. Tyler sighed; he'd forgotten his jacket again.

The walk was pretty much the same as last night's, except there wasn't any weird glowing coming from the trees, nor any unusual sounds.

Tyler took his time on the walk to think about what he was going to say to Josh. He had so many questions to ask. 'Are you really an alien?' 'What planet are you from?' He was dying to interrogate the boy; he didn't know what to ask first.

The forest seemed less scary this time, knowing what was in it. Still, he kept an eye out for anything particularly dangerous.

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