44. Euphoric - Elation; intense happiness or an otherwise good feeling.

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About an hour later, the sun had risen, and Josh went back to the trees.

Tyler had wanted so badly for him to stay there, as risky as it really was, but Josh knew how dangerous it could be. Anyway, he should probably be with the vessel, trying to contact his family. So, with a swift but sweet goodbye kiss, Josh climbed back out the window into the light drizzle outside, and was gone.

After he left, Tyler simply laid in his bed and stared at the bottom of Jay's bunk, which was above his. The gentle raindrops on the roof were a soothing sound.

Despite all of the bruises he likely had now, Tyler felt pleasantly euphoric. He was sure to feel the pain of it all later, but for now he just wanted to enjoy the moment.

Tyler didn't think about what he and Josh had done. He didn't think about much at all, in fact. Instead, he simply laid under his blankets, and rested.

Josh loved him, certainly. He'd said so, again and again throughout the past hour, and Tyler had said it in return. Enough "I love you"s to warm his heart, even now. Enough to carry with him all day long, the soft memories at the edge of his mind keeping him from feeling anxious or stressed.

Tyler slowly drifted back into sleep, Josh's soft whispers still in his ears.

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