37. Pluviophile - One who is fond of rain.

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That weekend, it rained.

It was one of those big summer thunderstorms, the humid kind that comes in from out of nowhere and gets everyone excited for the cooler temperatures of autumn and winter.

Tyler, however, wasn't excited for either. He would be back in school then, and that would mean he would be tired at night, so he wouldn't be able to stay with Josh as long. There would be more people to hide bruises from, too.

He did like learning, though. He wished he could take Josh to school with him.

It was eight o'clock, and Tyler was in the living room with his family. The rain was coming down steadily outside, with the occasional rumble and growl of thunder. The family had all just eaten dinner, and now they were eating ice cream and watching America's Funniest Home Videos.

Tyler's father was in his chair, while his mother, Zach, and Madison were on the couch. Tyler and Jay both were on the floor; Tyler because he simply liked sitting on the floor, and Jay because he liked copying his older brother.

Tyler absent-mindedly took a bite of his ice cream, which was French vanilla. He was having trouble focusing on the show; his mind kept wandering to Josh.

The relaxing family evening was interrupted when the power went out.

The television abruptly shut off, as well as all of the lights in the house. Jay, who was just young enough to be scared, yelped and cuddled into Tyler's side.

"I'll find the candles," Tyler's mother sighed as she stood in the dark and left the room. She soon returned with a large battery-powered lantern and a handful of candles. Spotting Jay looking afraid, she suggested that Tyler take one of the candles and go look for some flashlights in his room. As Tyler left the living room, his mother was calming Jay down, and convincing him to finish eating his ice cream by the light of the lantern. It pleased Tyler to see his mother babying someone else.

Tyler held the tall vanilla-scented candle in his hand as he walked down the hallway leading to his room. The smell of the candle was pleasant; he was pretty sure he recognized it, but wasn't sure where from. Probably his mother had bought it for some holiday and had a few extras.

He'd never been afraid of rain, or storms. In fact, he found them rather pleasing. A pluviophile at heart, perhaps.

The only thing wrong with this rain was that it made Tyler deeply worry about Josh.

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