47. Broken - Not in working order; not functional.

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That night was not the kind of night to go out, but Tyler went to see Josh anyway. It was only lightly drizzling when Tyler first left the house, but as he grew nearer to the forest is started to pour again. He was cold, and soaked to the bone, but as long as he got to see Josh, he knew it'd be worth it.

Eventually, he arrived at the vessel. Tyler's rain boots were caked with mud from the trudge to the forest, and his legs felt heavy from the extra weight. (A/N: If this sounds like an exagerration to you, you've never really been muddy before)

Josh was nowhere to be found at first, which made Tyler worry, until he heard the faint creak of metal. H e turned to see Josh just inside the vessel, holding open a metal door that almost made Tyler think of a cat flap. "In here."

Tyler hurried into the vessel, and Josh let go of the door, letting it close behind him. The inside of the vessel was dark, so Tyler flicked on his flashlight. The pale yellow light illuminated it all.

The area Tyler had entered, which appeared to be the main flight room, was a very pale color, a mix of pastel blue, milky white, and silvery gray. He couldn't entirely name the color itself, nor identify which of the three he'd thought that it most resembled. There were three boxes along the back of the room, and several of them had been opened.

Even from the inside, it was clear that the vessel had crash-landed. The walls were dented and cracked, and the floor was at an off angle.

Josh took Tyler by the hand and led him closer to the front of the room, which Tyler guessed was also the front of the vessel. There, laid out on the floor, was a pile of blankets and clothes. Josh sat on the pile and pulled one of the blankets over himself, and Tyler realized that this was where Josh had been sleeping.

Feeling guilty for never thinking to bring the alien a blanket, Tyler sat down next to Josh, and cuddled up against him.

The two boys spent their time together that night cuddling close, sharing warmth and a few kisses. Neither boy spoke much, but it didn't matter.

It was painfully clear that, despite the difference of the species, they were falling in love.

A/N: Should this story have a happy ending, a sad ending, both, or neither?

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