Joke Gamemode - U.S. Election

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At the start of each game, a person is randomly assigned being a Republican or a Democrat. But when there is an odd number of people, a person at random is assigned as an undecided voter. Also, the Mayor role isn't allowed in this gamemode. The lobby works like a Custom Lobby, where the host can pick roles.

Republicans can't vote against other Republicans.

Democrats can't vote against other Democrats.

The Undecided Voter gets to do whatever they want lol.

At the start of this gamemode, a President MUST be elected by everyone in the Town. Night won't fall until then. Anyone can vote for anyone to be President. 9 Votes are required for someone to get elected.

The elected person will get their role changed into a totally new role.


Alignment: President

Summary: A person who has absolute control over a Town.

Abilities: Make certain actions in the Town totally forbidden, and punishment will come to those who don't follow rules. The President is immune to Vampire bites.

Actions that can be made illegal:









Only three of these actions are allowed to be made illegal at a time. If someone does any of these actions, all Investigative roles in-game will be notified as well as the President of when an illegal action occurred and these roles will be given three names of players who could have caused the event. One of which is true. If lynching occurs, everyone who voted Guilty will be punished.

Punishments include:

Death at night. (Auto-Kill.)

Roleblocking. (Auto-Roleblock, One Night.)

Two roles get revealed to Town of who a person could be, one of which is true. 

The President makes actions illegal or legal whenever they please (Except if they die.)

An individual action can only get its legal status changed after a full in-game 24 hours passes by.

The President makes the legal decisions and the punishment decisions. Different people who may have committed an illegal crime at the time can be punished different ways.

This President role isn't very well structured, I know lol.

Night Immunity: Basic.

Attack: None.

Investigative Results:

Sheriff: This person is obviously the President, dummy.

Investigator: This person is obviously the President, dummy.

Consigliere: This person is obviously the President, dummy.

Okay so back to the Gamemode.

Stuff plays out so yeah.

Not a very well structured gamemode, but it's a joke!

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